VampireSDK -Tools for creating game modifications for the game Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.
Programs included in VampireSDK:
map editor:
wc.exe - Vampires map editor
Maps compilers:
vbsp.exe - compiler location
vrad.exe - compiler light
vvis.exe - optimizer rendering
additional tools:
vview.exe - map viewer
bspzip.exe - program for packing and unpacking files sewn on the map
vbspinfo.exe - program to obtain information on the map
Third-party utilities:
VPK Tool - program to unpack vpk archives .
VampEd 0.92 - editor VTMB
Vmex - decompiler map
The program requires unpacked version of the game
The path to the game should not contain spaces or cyrillic characters.
Place the folder VampireSDK and Vampire in the game folder.
Instructions for setting Vampires map editor:
1. Starting Vampires map editor [Worldcraft] (in our case F:\Soft\VTMB\VampireSDK\wc.exe).
2. In the drop-down menu click on Tools, then Options ...
3. Open the configuration window Vampires map editor [Worldcraft], bookmark Game Configurations.
Set up as shown below:

4. Go to the tab Build Programs.
Set up as shown below:

5. Click on the OK button and wait while the editor loads the texture..
The configuration is complete, you can begin to create and / or editing maps.