just isn't accurate.Wizardry 8's game world is much more seamless
What you have is a choice of seams, either a seam that prevents you from looking out your window and seeing a small piece the world outside, or a seam that stops you seeing down the road outside say, Arnika. Also Wiz 8 isn't really more interactive IMO, just different.
You can travel from Vivec all the way to the end of the world and hardly notice any loading (unless you have a very low spec PC). Travelling from Arnika to Bayjin on the other hand entails several loading phases, although nowhere near as bad as Dragon Age; but just try looking at the map on the Arnika-Trynton road!!
Weird that, and one of the reasons why I think M&M 6 was a better game, but a bit naughty to start out comparing Morrowind with one game then switching to another because Wiz 8 has exactly the same problem.Day and night cycles don't seem to change the game world in Morrowind at all.