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Missing laser pistol * possible spoilers*

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Missing laser pistol * possible spoilers*

Post by sinbad71 »

Fall NV : does anyone know where the missing laser pistol is located in the Brotherhood of steel side quest. I am at a large rock outcrop not far from the comms facility(satellite dishes etc),with a skeleton nearby,but i don't know if thats where its supposed to be.

Thanks in advance
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Post by Noxamoi »

GO SE from the Brotherhood bunker, follow the path from the broken fence and you should eventually find the area (I think it might have been called Scorpion Gulley?). It will be on one of the rocks.

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Post by swcarter »

Did you actually talk to the guy who lost the pistol? It's possible it won't appear unless you do so.

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Post by Belthan »

It's a "non-quest", by which I mean you don't get a quest marker. You can't give the quartermaster just any old laser pistol because they have serial numbers and they know which specific laser pistol is missing. Hard to describe without spoilers. So, um, spoilers follow. Only highlight one at a time if you just need a hint and not the whole "quest".

talk to the guy in charge, at a desk off to the side at the front of the shooting range. He'll tell you who checked out the laser pistol.
go find that person (Stanton). He's usually in the initiate barracks, or the classroom. He'll tell you how the laser pistol got lost and where. You can talk to the person who's really responsible, but she isn't much help (she thinks it's cool that they got outside the bunker, and kind of blames Stanton).
go to Scorpion Gulch (which totally fits the description of the area given by Stanton). If you have it on your map, just fast travel there. If not, it's southeast of Hidden Valley and almost due west of Helios One. Once you get there you'll get a map marker. You'll have to kill some radscorpions first, and the pistol is on top of a rock in the middle of the area right beside a corpse.
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Post by sinbad71 »

Thanks to everyone for their help. Sorry didn't make it clear that i had spoke to relevant people and got map marker.

Searched that canyon for hours and can't believe i missed it!!!!!! Now where is the number for my optician lol.

Again thank you all
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