Wesp has released a new patch!!!!
Download: www.patches-scrolls.de/vampire_bloodlines.php
As always, please feel free to post comments and suggestions here. We're still looking for translators for this patch into other languages. Please contact bloodlines@patches-scrolls.de if you are willing to help.
(+) Denotes changes only available to players of Plus Edition.
Changes in 7.3:
+Moved Yukie temple end trigger and fixed spider chick Boil reaction.
+Corrected a Giovanni candidate quest state and removed entry items.
+Made inspection particles a bit less intrusive, thanks to ZylonBane.
Restored GLOCK to cop on the pier and mafia patrol to Empire hotel.
Corrected conditions for mentioning Rossilini and other text issues.
Fixed problems on approaching Skelter and during the intro walkout.
BTW: Attention anyone playing this version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need some feed back on Nadia, the hot Giovanni girl who wants to get naked in the Embalming Room. Just as a test, once you enter the Manson SAVE YOUR GAME, so you can come back there and start your normal play (this should only take you 5 minutes to test)
Head strait to Nadia let her take you somewhere more private. You will zone to the Embalming room, what we need to do.
Don't talk to her or try to open the door downstairs. Walk around the room a bit, maybe pick up your book or walk around near the door you came in and the switch. This is the important part do you notice yourself going in and out of Combat mode?
There seems to be Zombies spawning too soon AND they seem to see through the floor a level or two below you. If you are having problems it would be a great if you could post here.
Unofficial Patch 7.3 is out!
Unofficial Patch 7.3 is out!
Trust me, most of the names I have been called you can't translate in any language...they're not even real words as much as a succession of violent images.
'Spiderchick's reaction to Boil'
Any idea what it has been fixed into?
Any idea what it has been fixed into?
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url="http://bit.ly/foT0XQ"]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
- AGustofWind
- Posts: 37
- Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:31 pm
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Was 'she' the only creature whose reaction was off?
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url="http://bit.ly/foT0XQ"]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
I thought she was one of those bosses, probably because of the missing effect. 
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url="http://bit.ly/foT0XQ"]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]