I have tried everything. From flying ahead to kill the ballistas and nests to using fireball and range explosion. My stats are 1300 hp and 940 mana. It seems odd that you cannot make your dragon stronger with skill points or new armor. I can make it to when zandalor exclaims "you are nearing the home stretch" but the zeppelin is so damaged and there are just too many islands throwing everything at you. I have tried to set the difficulty level to casual which does not help. Has anyone finished this game and what strategy did you use specifically (more defense/offense) fireball, summon wyvern, etc. I thought the memory Ygerna battle was tough. This battle is epic. Thanks gamers.
Zeppelin Escort Not Going Well. Help!
I finished this sequence with all offense.
You can summon a dragon helper. Make sure it's summoned all the time.
You can heal yourself. So do so as often as possible.
You've got a huge explosion attack that you can use every minute or so. When it's available, fly right up to a nest or lightning tower and set it off. The explosion will take out the nest / tower plus all of the ballistae around it.
You can order the zeppelin to attack a target. Always pick nests and lightning towers.
You can fly right up to ballistae and use your breath attack to kill them quickly. For the most part it's best to attack from a distance so you can dodge attacks, but sometimes it's better to take things down quickly, even if you get damaged in the process. (That is, watch your health and the cooldown for your healing spell. If you're pretty healthy and your healing spell is available, then charge right at things and draw their fire for a while. You'll kill things more quickly this way, and you'll also prevent the zeppelin from being attacked.)
If they're yelling about the home stretch, then you're pretty close to the end.
You can summon a dragon helper. Make sure it's summoned all the time.
You can heal yourself. So do so as often as possible.
You've got a huge explosion attack that you can use every minute or so. When it's available, fly right up to a nest or lightning tower and set it off. The explosion will take out the nest / tower plus all of the ballistae around it.
You can order the zeppelin to attack a target. Always pick nests and lightning towers.
You can fly right up to ballistae and use your breath attack to kill them quickly. For the most part it's best to attack from a distance so you can dodge attacks, but sometimes it's better to take things down quickly, even if you get damaged in the process. (That is, watch your health and the cooldown for your healing spell. If you're pretty healthy and your healing spell is available, then charge right at things and draw their fire for a while. You'll kill things more quickly this way, and you'll also prevent the zeppelin from being attacked.)
If they're yelling about the home stretch, then you're pretty close to the end.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."