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Help me identify this Sci-Fi RPG

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Help me identify this Sci-Fi RPG

Post by adul »

Hello there, good people! I've just registered and already have a question. :p But please bear with me, because this thing has been bugging me for years!

Okay, here's the deal: one time, several years ago, I saw some gameplay footage from a particular game. I have annoyingly detailed memories of the game itself but I don't remember its title. Now I'd like to look it up, but I don't know where I should start looking! :mad:

It was an RPG-like game for the PC where the player controlled one character in third person view, and I think 2 or 3 allies followed him around. In the particular scene I remember, the player had just arrived to an underground colony from above, and was greeted by an NPC (a man I think) who admired the fact that the player was from the surface. People living at the colony had never seen the sky and were living in poor circumstances. I think there was a plague going on down there as well but I'm not sure. After wandering around the colony for a while and talking to people, the player went outside the gates and hunted down some mutant dog-like monsters (with laser pistols if I remember correctly).

That's about all I can recall, and some of the specifics might even be incorrect. Regardless, I'd be grateful if anyone could identify this game from those vague details. Has anyone played it or know which one I might be talking about?
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Post by Gartar »

Hmm, That sounds allot like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1, a very popular game, so would be odd that you didn't know what it was, but it might be some other game that I don't know about :P
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Post by DesR85 »

From that description, it reminds me of Project Eden. Released for both the PC and PS2. Made by the same developer of the Tomb Raider series. Played it some years ago and found it pretty decent, though the 'unified' energy bar is irritating since it is used as ammunition for your weapons, to set up turrets, activate droids and for repairs (only for the mechanic).

I remember that there are four characters which you can switch around on the go. One of them is the team leader who access authorised areas, the second is a mechanic, which I mentioned above, the third is a hacker and the last one is a heavily armoured cyborg.

The premise of the game, if I recall, revolves around a world where people build lots of skyscrapers until only the rich can live at the top and see the sky while the rest are forced to live at the bottom of the city in poor conditions where they can't see the sky, thanks to them. Nobody from the top goes there except engineers who make routine visits to inspect the condition of the structures. As for the story, it revolves around a team sent to investigate some engineers who went missing at the bottom from which you'll find something more sinister the further you investigate.

This is as far as I can remember. Hope it helps.
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Post by adul »

Huh, what do you know. It was KOTOR. I've just watched some walkthrough vids on YouTube and it turns out the scene I remember was the player's arrival to Taris Undercity. The strange thing is that I did play through KOTOR when it was released and I still didn't remember that scene being from there. I guess I'm ought to play it again sometime. Thank you very much for the help though Gartar, this was driving me crazy.

Oh and Project Eden sounds very interesting from your description, DesR85. I'll look that up as well.

Thanks for the help, guys! :cool:
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