1: Thief 2: the Metal Age. Note I haven't played Thief 1, but from all accounts this is pretty much the best Thief game out there. Deadly Shadows was alright but nowhere near as good as T2 (though the Cradle deserves special mention for sheer terror - I really need to play System Shock 2).
2: Chrono Trigger. In a word: Epic.
3: Baldur's Gate trilogy. ToB was a bit meh besides Watcher's Keep, but we all know how great this game is. If you don't, buy the trilogy set and play it through.
4: Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Sheer madness, I was used to the original SSB but this one is just manic...and fun.
5: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Not quite the number 1 it's often placed as, but a brilliant game that drew you in like few others. Honorable mention to Majora's Mask for it's innovations and creepy mood, and to Twilight Princess.
6: Burnout 3 Takedown. Awesome sheer driving aggression.
7: Aliens VS Predator 2 (old version). Playing as an alien was great fun, and the fact that each race does feel distinctly different deserves a lot of credit. I just wish I could find it again is all...
8: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Level design was often fairly repetitive, but it was a fun game that really showed me how Star Wars can make for great games. And being able to customise your character to an extent was a nice touch.
9: GTA: Vice City. There's just something about being able to terrorise the 80s that keeps me coming back to this one. Later GTAs might be better games, but the setting adds so much to VC.
10: Battlefield 1942. The only Battlefield game I've really played, but the WW2 setting and sheer variety of vehicles/emplacements/settings makes this one stand out for me.
11: Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fight (SNES). Great old-school fighting game, Super SF2 just didn't match up and SF1s inability to do same character matches and not having the bosses as playable characters was a drag.
12: Perfect Dark (N64). Took everything that made Goldeneye great, and made it better, while removing almost everything that detracted from Goldeneye. Great multiplayer, and single player provides decet examples of lots of different mission types, from rescuing hostages to defending bases to taking over starships.
13: Ninja Gaiden Xbox. Really hard, but great ninja game. As a stealth game Tenchu had so much potential but failed, while Gaiden pulled it off.
14: Just Cause 2. Played this at a friend's place recently, and the sheer versatility from just one or two tools and abilities, coupled with the over-the-top-action-movie feel makes this a winner.
15: Secret of Mana. Beautiful, bittersweet, and immensely stylish.
16: [url="http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-twitchy-online-game.html"]Robot Unicorn Attack[/url]. Play it and see. And oh God the music. Just one more game and then I'll stop...
17: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.
18: Earthworm Jim. So weird, and yet so fun, with an utterly amazing soundtrack.
19: Worms 2/Worms Armageddon. Worms is just great fun. Also, SUPER SHEEP!
20: Return to Zork. Remarkably twisted with a constant sense of low-grade sinister-ness.
21: House of the Dead: Overkill. Great WII zombie shooter that shows how good the WIImote can be for shooters, with an awesome B-grade vibe.
22: Soul Caliber 3. Toss up with Tekken 4, but in the end Soul Caliber (just) wins out for its ability to create custom characters and for the variety of weapons on offer, as well as the interesting game character designs.
23: Robotech: Battlecry (PS2). Really fun Roboech/Macross game.
24: Dragon Rage (PS2). Not necessarily a great game in and of itself (fairly average in fact), but as an avid dragon-lover this was great fun.
25: Starcraft Battlechest. Great RTS with 3 distinct races and an involved plot.