The Scarred Land of Hades
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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The Scarred Land of Hades
Campaign Info-
You exist in a world not ruled by the gods, but inhabited by titans of ancient myth. The gods of the olden days imprisoned the titans in Tartarus for centuries beyond centuries, and as new gods were born to replace old ones, so too were new titans born while the old ones passed on.
Two centuries ago, a war broke out on sacred land protected by the elves, and during that war a holy relic was destroyed in the process by a barbarian tyrant. Little did he know, this relic was quite literally the gateway key to Tartarus that housed the titans. The portal was opened and a veritable apocalypse occurred because of it.
Major cities and metropolis's were wiped out in the blink of an eye. Millions of denizens of the world were snuffed out like a flame to a candle. Chaos reigned supreme as the titans claimed their territories and annihilated the gods.
Hextor, Heironeous, even St. Cuthbert, all were obliterated by the six titans.
The last known city in the world, located in the titan “Fos'” territory, houses many adventurers and warriors alike. Some challenge the titans, some worship them, and some just go by their lives in a day to day manner. It is the only safe haven left for mortal man. There is no other location in the world anymore capable of being safely traveled. There are no roads, there are no landmarks, any village that exists is temporary and nomadic at best.
The titans are not tyrants, but they have left their mark on the world and it was a blighted mark; people are only just starting to recover.
Outside the city of Rhodes is Elysium, a battleground and ruinous landscape circling around the city for hundreds of miles. Beyond that are the titan's domain, who have labeled there new land as a collective, Hades.
Game Info-
If it wasn't obvious, this game has a greek setting to it. Any player that joins will be starting out in the City of Rhodes (pronounced Row-dose, not Roads). They can either be just arriving there or have lived there all their lives depending on backstories.
I have Four to Six slots available. Two forum members have higher priority right now due to wanting to join Annette's game but being unable to due to lack of slots, so out of fairness sake, if they want to game, they get first dibs before anyone else. I will accept a maximum of six players.
Rules for the game-
~Starting Level 3
~Point Buy 28 Points.
~Max HP at first level, average beyond. Easiest way to determine average is take your hit point dice, divide the number in half, and then add .5 to it. A D8 hit dice is then 4.5 hit points on average. D6 is 3.5, etc etc etc.
~Races- Pretty much any race from any book with up to a +3 Level Adjustment. If you play a race with a +1 level adjustment, your class level is 2. And if you play a race with a +2 or 3 level adjustment, you start at level 1. Bloodline races from the SRD/Unearthed Arcana are allowed as well
~Classes, feats, spells, and books in general- Any and all are allowed from 3.5, including racial substitution levels and class variants from Unearthed Arcana/SRD.
~Alignment- You can be any alignment you want but party cohesion is a must. Differing view points is one thing, but absolutely no party killing (so a Lawful good paladin and a chaotic evil rogue need to find a way to get along if two players decide to make those characters).
~Starting Gold- 3000
~Advancing in Level-
Same Class- One day, no trainer needed.
New Class- One week, no trainer needed.
New Prestige Class- One week, trainer needed.
New Rules for Clerics-
The gods are dead and replaced by titans. Domains do not exist anymore and instead you are granted spells based on the titan you worship. Worshiping a titan never relies on alignment, they do not care for moral quandaries of good and evil. If you wish to not worship, you instead gain a bonus spell per day in each spell slot that stacks with your wisdom bonus to spells per day and you do not gain a blessing.
Rules for all characters-
~I do not do level loss for resurrection. You instead gain a negative level and must make a DC 20 fortitude save every time you level up to determine if you keep the negative level or get rid of it.
~I do not do experience loss, ever. Item creation, resurrection, wishes, I find experience loss to be a game killer and thus you are free to use spells or create items without worrying about that.
~If you do worship a titan, and stay active with your worship requirements, you gain their blessing (any character can gain the titans blessing, not just clerics). A titan can not only take away a blessing should you not keep active with their requirements, but if you do something to piss them off or go directly against their worship requirements (example- setting a forest on fire when you worship Gi), they can permanently barr you from receiving their blessings and even trying to redeem yourself.
~Playing deep races does not incur the light blindness penalty anymore. Deep races are all living above ground and have been for a century.
Remember, the titans aren't gods in a metaphysical sense, they literally roam the world you're in.
I currently have three of the six titans completed for players to use, please refer to the post below for information on Titans.
You exist in a world not ruled by the gods, but inhabited by titans of ancient myth. The gods of the olden days imprisoned the titans in Tartarus for centuries beyond centuries, and as new gods were born to replace old ones, so too were new titans born while the old ones passed on.
Two centuries ago, a war broke out on sacred land protected by the elves, and during that war a holy relic was destroyed in the process by a barbarian tyrant. Little did he know, this relic was quite literally the gateway key to Tartarus that housed the titans. The portal was opened and a veritable apocalypse occurred because of it.
Major cities and metropolis's were wiped out in the blink of an eye. Millions of denizens of the world were snuffed out like a flame to a candle. Chaos reigned supreme as the titans claimed their territories and annihilated the gods.
Hextor, Heironeous, even St. Cuthbert, all were obliterated by the six titans.
The last known city in the world, located in the titan “Fos'” territory, houses many adventurers and warriors alike. Some challenge the titans, some worship them, and some just go by their lives in a day to day manner. It is the only safe haven left for mortal man. There is no other location in the world anymore capable of being safely traveled. There are no roads, there are no landmarks, any village that exists is temporary and nomadic at best.
The titans are not tyrants, but they have left their mark on the world and it was a blighted mark; people are only just starting to recover.
Outside the city of Rhodes is Elysium, a battleground and ruinous landscape circling around the city for hundreds of miles. Beyond that are the titan's domain, who have labeled there new land as a collective, Hades.
Game Info-
If it wasn't obvious, this game has a greek setting to it. Any player that joins will be starting out in the City of Rhodes (pronounced Row-dose, not Roads). They can either be just arriving there or have lived there all their lives depending on backstories.
I have Four to Six slots available. Two forum members have higher priority right now due to wanting to join Annette's game but being unable to due to lack of slots, so out of fairness sake, if they want to game, they get first dibs before anyone else. I will accept a maximum of six players.
Rules for the game-
~Starting Level 3
~Point Buy 28 Points.
~Max HP at first level, average beyond. Easiest way to determine average is take your hit point dice, divide the number in half, and then add .5 to it. A D8 hit dice is then 4.5 hit points on average. D6 is 3.5, etc etc etc.
~Races- Pretty much any race from any book with up to a +3 Level Adjustment. If you play a race with a +1 level adjustment, your class level is 2. And if you play a race with a +2 or 3 level adjustment, you start at level 1. Bloodline races from the SRD/Unearthed Arcana are allowed as well
~Classes, feats, spells, and books in general- Any and all are allowed from 3.5, including racial substitution levels and class variants from Unearthed Arcana/SRD.
~Alignment- You can be any alignment you want but party cohesion is a must. Differing view points is one thing, but absolutely no party killing (so a Lawful good paladin and a chaotic evil rogue need to find a way to get along if two players decide to make those characters).
~Starting Gold- 3000
~Advancing in Level-
Same Class- One day, no trainer needed.
New Class- One week, no trainer needed.
New Prestige Class- One week, trainer needed.
New Rules for Clerics-
The gods are dead and replaced by titans. Domains do not exist anymore and instead you are granted spells based on the titan you worship. Worshiping a titan never relies on alignment, they do not care for moral quandaries of good and evil. If you wish to not worship, you instead gain a bonus spell per day in each spell slot that stacks with your wisdom bonus to spells per day and you do not gain a blessing.
Rules for all characters-
~I do not do level loss for resurrection. You instead gain a negative level and must make a DC 20 fortitude save every time you level up to determine if you keep the negative level or get rid of it.
~I do not do experience loss, ever. Item creation, resurrection, wishes, I find experience loss to be a game killer and thus you are free to use spells or create items without worrying about that.
~If you do worship a titan, and stay active with your worship requirements, you gain their blessing (any character can gain the titans blessing, not just clerics). A titan can not only take away a blessing should you not keep active with their requirements, but if you do something to piss them off or go directly against their worship requirements (example- setting a forest on fire when you worship Gi), they can permanently barr you from receiving their blessings and even trying to redeem yourself.
~Playing deep races does not incur the light blindness penalty anymore. Deep races are all living above ground and have been for a century.
Remember, the titans aren't gods in a metaphysical sense, they literally roam the world you're in.
I currently have three of the six titans completed for players to use, please refer to the post below for information on Titans.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
- Contact:
Titan Information-
Pyrkagia- Fire
Pyrkagia is the lord of dance and music. Imprisoned inside a volcano, his recent escape has allowed him to enjoy the sound of the ensuing volcanic eruption as if it were a song to his ears. He punished the gods Obad-Hai and and Ehlonna by setting fire to the greatest forest of the land, annihilating over a hundred million species of plants and animals that lived there. In this desolate wasteland, he erected a jet black obsidian spire with a red fiery serpent slithering it's way up in a spiral fashion. There he sits atop the spire on his throne, enjoying the dance of the Ash Animates. When St. Cuthbert sought retribution against his fallen Comrades, he challenged the titan in person. The battle lasted for twenty-seven days straight with the two evenly matched warriors. It came down to grit, determination, and luck and Pyrkagia was luckier. St. Cuthbert's lifeless corpse still remains impaled straight through Pyrkagia's spire today.
Dogma- Pyrkagia enjoys the musings of bards and poets and writers alike, as well as anyone who uses fire in the name of creation or destruction. Typical followers of Pyrkagia include bards, rogues, evokers, kineticists, and shapers. Constitution and Charisma are important ability scores for characters who worship Pyrkagia.
Worship Requirements- In order to be granted Pyrkagia's blessing, he requires a donation in the form of an unusual item the worshiper created, or a song, sonnet, dance, or story to amuse him. This is required typically once per year. As a character levels, the complexity of the creation needed increases. For example, crafting a masterwork exotic weapon at first level will grant a blessing but crafting something much more extravagant such as a ship or a golem will be needed at 20th level. Characters are free to craft what they wish in order to appease Pyrkagia and be granted a blessing.
Blessings Granted-
Level 1- Perform is always a class skill.
Level 5- You gain resistance to fire 5.
Level 10-You gain a bonus to craft or perform (choose one) equal to your character level.
Level 15-You gain resistance to fire 20.
Level 20-Volcanic Eruption- Once per day you call upon the might of Pyrkagia and erupt the ground in a fissure of quake and heat. This produces the effect of an earthquake spell but adds 1D8 Damage per three levels of fire damage to any effect. Treat your character level as your caster level. The DC is based on your constitution modifier.
Domain spells-
1st-Charm Person, Burning Hands
2nd-Pyrotechnics, Hypnotic Pattern
3rd-Protection from Energy (Fire only), Suggestion
4th-Charm Monster, Wall of Fire
5th-Rainbow Pattern, Fabricate
6th-Song of Discord, Suggestion (Mass)
7th-Charm Monster (Mass), Fire Storm
8th-Incendiary Cloud, Irresistible Dance
9th-Elemental Swarm (Fire only), Shapechange
Nero- Water
Nero is sometimes known as the trickster of the ocean. Of all the titans, Nero is ambiguous in shape and even sex, and while it will sometimes take a humanoid shape like other massive titans, its favored shape is actually a two hundred headed sea serpent of the deep. It is not a very skilled fighter but upon its release, it hatched a nefarious plan. It met with Farlanghn, Vecna and Kord and provided safe passage for any followers of them so long as it were granted total sanctuary. The three gods agreed to this against their better judgment. As the decades went by, the metropolis Palama sitting near the ocean became the largest metropolis in the world, and a haven for those that worship Farlanghn, Vecna and Kord. The population eventually reached over two million people in total, and when that happened, a tidal wave from out of nowhere devastated the entire city, leaving no survivors. The three gods' power had diminished leaving them with no more strength than your garden variety adventurer, that is, until Nero ate them. The once great Palama is now a set of ruins and a swamp.
Dogma- Swindlers, con artists, thieves and all manner of scum and villainy worship Nero. Typical followers include Rangers, Rogues, Sorcerers, Illusionists, and Wilders. Charisma and Constitution are important scores for characters who worship Nero.
Worship Requirements- Once per year Nero will test a character's mettle by having them cross the ocean. Should they survive and keep their sanity, they will gain Nero's Blessing.
Blessings Granted-
Level 1-Bluff is always a class skill
Level 5- Gain a swim speed of 30ft and a bonus to swim equal to half your level.
Level 10-Water Clones- When near a source of water, can create illusory duplicates of yourself as a standard action. This functions as the spell Mirror image, and is useable 3 times per day.
Level 15-Gain the Amphibious special quality. Can breath air and water normally.
Level 20-Drown- Once per day you can attempt to forcibly fill a target's lungs with water. The DC to save against this is 10 + half your level + your constitution modifier.
Domain spells-
1st-Disguise Self, Obscuring Mist
2nd-Fog Cloud, Blur
3rd-Sleet Storm, Displacement
4th-Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm
5th-Mirage Arcana, Shadow Evocation
6th-Freezing Sphere, Mislead
7th-Invisibility (Mass), Control Weather
8th-Horrid Wilting, Shadow Evocation (Greater)
9th-Elemental Swarm (Water only), Weird
Gi- Earth
The Honorable Warrior and protector of Nature, Gi, is a stone giant by trade. Her might is only outmatched by her cunning and sense of reason. She is morally opposed to secrets and trickery of any kind, and empowers life and well being all around her. Olidammara took up a dispute with her pver the destruction of the land caused by Pyrkagia. Though the death of the great forest saddened her, she knew full well the ulterior motives of this scoundrel of a god was to cause inner turmoil between the two titans and allow him the chance to strike when they were weak. She did not approve, and demanded his execution in front of the two grand judges of life and death, Hextor and Heironeous. They denied her demands, and in a fit of rage, she slaughtered all three in one mighty blow with her hammer. When Nerull refused to take their souls, she imprisoned him in between dimensions where he was inevitably eaten and absorbed by the titan Skia.
Dogma- Gi is a promoter of life and protector of nature. She despises the undead, and expects worshipers to actively seek and destroy their defiled bodies. Clerics, Druids, Rangers, Conjurers, Transmuters, Shapers and Egoists are common classes who worship Gi. Strength and Wisdom are the two most important scores.
Worship Requirements- Gi watches all, and if any worshipers of hers are caught defiling nature in a profuse manner, she will forsake their blessings and even the worshiper if the defilement is grand enough. Defilements can range from killing animals for sport (and not for food), cutting down trees for lumber, using fire spells or other nature damaging spells in nature, and knowingly allowing others to do the same. Minor acts of defilement such as making basic tools or having a campfire to keep warm at night are ignored. Gi does not turn a blind eye the necessities of survival. Spells that move earth and stone, such as earthquake, do not count as defilement so long as no tree or plant is harmed in the process.
Blessings Granted-
Level 1-Sense Motive is always a class skill
Level 5- Whenever you heal damage outside of combat, healing spells are always maximized for you.
Level 10-You may treat any summoning spell as if it were always one spell higher for the purpose of summoning multiple monsters (I.e. If you use summon monster 2 to normally summon 1D3 monsters from the summon monster 1 list, you instead summon 1D4+1 as if it were a summon monster 3 spell. This also means that you can always summon 1D3 monsters from a summon monster spell list equal to the spells level instead of one level lower).
Level 15-As you become one with the earth, you learn to fight better as if you were an earth elemental. Whenever standing on dirt, mud, natural stone, rock, sand, or grass, you gain a +2 to attack and damage against any target. If you are in a man made structure, such as a city or a fortress, you only gain a +1 bonus.
Level 20-Natures Wrath- You conjure up a 60ft radius of grass, bushes and trees that function as an entangle spell heightened to 7th level. The DC to break or escape is 10 + half your level + your strength modifier. Those caught in the entanglement are not only entangled as normal, but the thorns created in the conjuration cause 2D6 piercing damage for each round they remain entangled. Those not entangled take half damage for every round they remain in the area. This ability is usable once per day.
Domain spells-
1st-Entangle, Summon Nature's Ally 1
2nd-Barkskin, Summon Nature's Ally 2
3rd-Plant Growth, Summon Nature's Ally 3
4th-Reincarnate, Summon Nature's Ally 4
5th-Commune with Nature, Summon Nature's Ally 5
6th-Liveoak, Summon Nature's Ally 6
7th-Animate Plants, Summon Nature's Ally 7
8th-Earthquake, Summon Nature's Ally 8
9th-Elemental Swarm (earth only), Summon Nature's Ally 9
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Looking pretty awesome! As I mentioned a few hours ago, I'd love a part in this. Just a few questions; first, do you consider rapiers piercing/slashing or just piercing? The books say piercing, but real rapiers are long enough for the edge to theoretically be used (rapiers=/= foils.) The reason I'm asking is because I'm thinking of playing a bard, and snowflake winterdance only works for slashing weapons. Unfortunately, there are no decent finesse-able slashing weapons so far as I can tell, so I'd have to build up STR rather than the far cooler DEX.
Next, along that line of reasoning, would elven thinblades be looked at the same way?
Third, (and this is purely a mechanics question that I can neither remember nor find the answer to), but silverbrow humans qualify for dragonfire inspiration, yes?
Finally, how do most people feel about the titans? I imagine they were pissed 200 years ago, but humans that were alive then probably aren't anymore. Have they basically forgotten the gods? Going along with this, are there any gods left at all, or were they all killed by titans? (If so, then are classes like Champion of Corellon forbidden, or will you change them to fit the world? That question is purely curiosity, as the build I'm planning has nothing to do with any god-dependent classes.)
Next, along that line of reasoning, would elven thinblades be looked at the same way?
Third, (and this is purely a mechanics question that I can neither remember nor find the answer to), but silverbrow humans qualify for dragonfire inspiration, yes?
Finally, how do most people feel about the titans? I imagine they were pissed 200 years ago, but humans that were alive then probably aren't anymore. Have they basically forgotten the gods? Going along with this, are there any gods left at all, or were they all killed by titans? (If so, then are classes like Champion of Corellon forbidden, or will you change them to fit the world? That question is purely curiosity, as the build I'm planning has nothing to do with any god-dependent classes.)
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Yeah, I'd go ahead and change that to Piercing OR slashing instead of just piercing.Looking pretty awesome! As I mentioned a few hours ago, I'd love a part in this. Just a few questions; first, do you consider rapiers piercing/slashing or just piercing? The books say piercing, but real rapiers are long enough for the edge to theoretically be used (rapiers=/= foils.) The reason I'm asking is because I'm thinking of playing a bard, and snowflake winterdance only works for slashing weapons. Unfortunately, there are no decent finesse-able slashing weapons so far as I can tell, so I'd have to build up STR rather than the far cooler DEX.
YesNext, along that line of reasoning, would elven thinblades be looked at the same way?
Yes. You can google both names by themselves and see their stats for it too.Third, (and this is purely a mechanics question that I can neither remember nor find the answer to), but silverbrow humans qualify for dragonfire inspiration, yes?
Most people aren't really okay with it but realize it's beyond their control and do their best to deal with it. Some are actually okay with it and there are even a few fanatics that believe it's a dawn of paradise but those fanatics exist in any religion, mono or polytheistic in nature.Finally, how do most people feel about the titans? I imagine they were pissed 200 years ago, but humans that were alive then probably aren't anymore. Have they basically forgotten the gods?
They definitely haven't forgotten gods. Some people are even old enough to have been around at the time, and survived with a few lost limbs and nothing else.
Ahh yeah, I forgot about that.Going along with this, are there any gods left at all, or were they all killed by titans? (If so, then are classes like Champion of Corellon forbidden, or will you change them to fit the world? That question is purely curiosity, as the build I'm planning has nothing to do with any god-dependent classes.)
Addendum- Any class or prestige class is allowed EXCEPT for classes/prestige classes that require any gods for worship (such as Champion of Corellon, or Eye of Gruumsh).
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
- Contact:
Character Limit reached in the second post in this thread, so I've gotta post the other titans here-
Aera- Air
Whether it's a gentle breeze or a destructive tornado, you can be sure it's the Queen of the Sky's doing, Aera. Aera loathes combat and fighting, preferring a more diplomatic approach to handling things. However, sometimes a fight is unavoidable, and to get rid of Erythnuul, she did inevitably have to fight him. Badly wounded, she did eventually win, but due to destroying the god of slaughter, she ironically adopted his repute. It was an opposite nature to her own, and thus drove her insane. Apart from being the Queen of the skies, she now goes by another name, the Living Chaos. Thunder, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, her devastation knows no bounds. Fos and Gi, the more rational titans, sought the aid of the wisest of gods Boccob. Boccob knew he couldn't exist with the titans killing all other gods and so struck a deal. He could offer to put Aera to sleep, and reduce the number of catastrophe's to once every few decades. This was the best he could do, gods are powerful but they aren't infinitely powerful afterall. In return, Boccob demanded sanctuary as an immortal man. He was to keep his immortality, his magic, and his knowledge, and willingly give up his Divine Salience so that he may live to continue his endless pursuit of knowledge. Boccob still exists today, as a seclusive hermit. And indeed his plan worked, Aera's insanity only brings itself about once every 30 to 40 years, allowing mortal man a chance to prepare and defend itself.
Dogma- Despite being in Slumber, Aera does retain enough consciousness to completely revel in worship. Those who embody chaos and destruction, and those who enjoy the anarchic nature of a storm are often worshipers of Aera. Barbarians, Fighters, Clerics, Druids, Rogues, Enchanters, Sorcerers, Soulknives, Psychic Warriors, and Wilders are common classes for worshipers. Dexterity and Intelligence are important scores for characters who worship Aera.
Worship Requirements- Even with her lack of consciousness, Aera's wind encompasses all. It is as much a living wind as she is, and with it being less chaotic than her mind, it has the capability of giving her worshipers a blessing. To gain her blessing, worshipers must actively embody chaos, chaos is the natural order that puts everything into it's rightful and natural place, by survival of the fittest. The truly chaotic may even do something self destructive for literally no purpose at all. A worshiper is required to cause direct chaos to a large landscape. This could be simple like starting false rumors between various citizens of a town, creating or destroying a massive section of land for no other purpose than creation and destruction, starting a riot, and so on.
Level 1-Intimidate is always a class skill
Level 5- Whenever you deal damage to a foe, roll a 1D6 and add the result from the following chart-
1- -3
2- -2
3- -1
4- +1
5- +2
6- +3
Level 10-Whenever you use an item that produces a randomly determined effect (Such as a bag of tricks or rod of wonder), you can roll twice and use either result. If a random roll is only ever made once on an item (such as from a Robe of Useful Items), you do not gain this benefit.
Level 15-You gain the ability to affect the nature of weather. Once per hour, you can use control weather as if you were a druid of the appropriate level. The mile radius is 1 Mile per 4 levels instead of a straight two mile radius.
Level 20-Once per day, you gain the ability to use Storm of Vengeance as a spell like ability. Your character level is your class level and the DC is based on your dexterity score.
Domain spells-
1st-Cause Fear, Color Spray
2nd-Enthrall, Hideous Laugter
3rd-Blink, Rage
4th-Confusion, Fear
5th-Feeblemind, Mind Fog
6th-Symbol of Fear, Wind Walk
7th-Insanity, Reverse Gravity
8th-Whirlwind, Symbol of Insanity
9th-Shapechange, Elemental Swarm (Air Only)
Fos- Light
The two twins brothers of light and shadow, Fos and Skia, are the only two titans with enough composure and rationality to bring balance to the land and thus are the self appointed rulers of other titans. While they resent each other, they work together for the purpose of survival. Without some basic sense in the world, even they couldn't exist effectively. Fos is an emissary of light and positive Energy, and is the only Titan with clean bloodless hands; he has never harmed a god. In order to salvage the mortal realm, and to give himself and other titans more power, he created a haven, the City of Rhodes, that was off limits from destruction from any titan. While most titans follow this rule, Aera obviously cannot help herself, and thus once every few decades, Fos travels to Rhodes and shields the city from the indirect chaos of Aera. Like Gi, Fos is a protector and enabler of life. Although Fos has never killed a god, he is indirectly responsible for the death of one, and the guilt haunts him to this day. Fos is the embodiment of light itself, and that includes the sun. Pelor, in a fit of jealous rage due to the loss of all his fellow gods, exploded violently to try and end the life of all titans in the world. This blind rage of his would not have only ended the life of the titans but all life on the planet entirely. Fos was able to absorb the damage, but is ridden with sorrow that he could not come to an agreement with Pelor like Gi and Pyrkagia did with Boccob. Pelor became one with the sun that day when Boccob used his magic to give him a proper burial by literally sending him flying into the sun.
Dogma- It is common to see those who embody not only the light but justice and morality as well to worship Fos, however it is not necessary. Fos abhores senseless violence, but understands that there may be those who words cannot reach, and thus in a cliché example, will never look down upon a worshiper who destroys one to save many. Clerics, Fighters, Paladins, Diviners, and Psychic Warriors are common classes for worshipers of Fos. Wisdom and Strength are important scores for worshipers of Fos.
Worship Requirements- In order to receive his blessing, life is of the utmost importance. It is one thing to put a diseased broken animal out of it's pain and misery but when it comes to saving the life of someone who is in need of it, it is expected of any worshiper to intervene. Any mortal creature being threatened or attacked for no sensible reason must be actively protected by a worshiper of Fos. A hunter who gathers food by killing a boar for survival purposes is okay in Fos' eyes, but an orphan child starving in the streets who cannot afford even a loaf of bread, it is expected that a worshiper will help the child, or anyone else in immediate danger or suffering.
Level 1-Diplomacy is always a class skill
Level 5-Once per day, you can cast cure serious wounds as if you were a 5th level cleric. This can only be used to cure damage, not destroy the undead.
Level 10-You gain a bonus to your diplomacy skill equal to your character level.
Level 15-Whenever you save someone from immediate physical danger, you gain a bonus to your attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and will saving throws equal to your strength modifier. This only applies after you have safely secured the person in danger, not while you are securing them. The bonus lasts for 24 hours.
Level 20-You can now emit a positive energy burst of a 30ft radius centered on you capable of restoring life and healing those around you. This functions as a heal spell with your character level being your caster level. Furthermore, if this is used on a creature that was killed no longer than one round (six seconds) beforehand, it will restore their life to -9 damage and stabilized.
Domain spells-
1st-Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch
2nd-Cure Moderate Wounds, Continual Flame
3rd-Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight
4th-Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward
5th-Cure Light Wounds (Mass), Wall of Force
6th-Heal, Globe of Invulnerability
7th-Cure Moderate Wounds (Mass), Sunbeam
8th-Cure Serious Wounds (Mass), Sunburst
9th-Cure Critical Wounds (Mass), Time Stop
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Here's my character sheet. I'm holding off on writing a backstory until you give us some more info on the world.
Name: Sinéad Cedewain
Race: Silverbrow Human
Class: Bard 3
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Worships: Fos
Size: Medium
Height: 5"6'
Weight: 130lb
Haircolor: Red with silver streaks
Age: 22
BAB- 2
Attack- Rapier +5 (3 DEX+2 BAB)
Speed: 30ft
XP: 3000/6000
Ability Scores:
Reflex- 6=3+3
Will- 2=3+(-1)
Perform (Vocals)- 9=6+3
Perform (Dance)- 9=6+3
Perform (Act)- 7=4+3
Move Silently- 5=2+3
Hide- 5=2+3
Tumble- 9=6+3
Diplomacy- 11=6+3+2
Bluff- 9=6+3
Intimidate- 9=4+3+2
Disguise- 13=6+3+2+2
Melodic Casting
Weapon Finesse
Racial Features/Special Abilities:
Dragonblood Subtype: Silver
Feather Fall 1/day
Disguise Aptitude: +2 racial Disguise bonus, Disguise as class skill
Human Bonus Feat- Dragonfire Inspiration
Bardic Music
Inspire Courage +1
Bardic Knowledge
Inspire Competence
Detect Magic
Ghost Harp
Minor Disguise
Mage Hand
Inspirational Boost
Silent Image
Charm Person
Rapier (20 GP)
Adventuring Gear (20 GP- Tent, blanket, bedroll, flint & steel, hemp rope, sack, backpack, belt puchh, oil, torch, waterskin, rations x6)
Chain Shirt+1 (1250 GP)
Light Wooden Shield (3 GP)
Gold: 1707
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Cool, I'll look over the whole thing later but as for your backstory, I'm curious what you'd like to know?Here's my character sheet. I'm holding off on writing a backstory until you give us some more info on the world.
I've pretty much given out any information I can think of and short of the final titan (which will include underdark information), I'm not sure what else to tell you. So...anything in particular you're looking for?
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
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- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Hit yet another character limit. The Final Titan-
Skia- Shadow
As the twin and polar opposite to Fos, Skia embodies all that is dark and shrouded in shadows. However, the nature of shadows and darkness itself is a far different story than the ideals of secrecy and outcasting. Upon his release, he discovered all the gods of the various common races have outcast all the dark parallel races. Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes could exist freely but Drow, Duegar and Svirfneblin were imprisoned below the surface. This infuriated him, and after opening up several large holes to the underdark, thus connecting the two interposed worlds, the gods of races immediately showed themselves to resolve the situation and attempt to imprison the shadow in the underdark as well. The shadow, like Nero, has no body. He is literal metaphysical shadow and cannot be imprisoned in any one location. Because with light there is always shadow, his only equal in power is Fos. When Corellon, Gruumsh, Garl, Moradin and Yondolla challenged the shadow's authority, his response was almost as expected. The five gods stood directly in the light, and so the shadow created a replica of each god out of their own shadows. He had an army of gods plus his own power at his side, the gods did not stand a chance. Their bodies were impaled, flayed, skewed, slashed, dismembered and obliterated beyond belief and at that point, all the denizens of the underdark could finally be free. Every creature, every object and every thing in the world has a shadow, and even more than darkness, Skia embodies equality. He would not tolerate a war between the deep races with the surface races. If violence erupted between the two races, Skia swore to steal their shadows, their very reflections, in essence, their souls from their bodies, deep or surface races alike. Not even Fos would stop him.
Dogma- Those who worship the shadow are balancers and absolutists. They prefer a yin yang ideology. No subject is taboo to them, light and dark, black and white, life and death, all are equal to them and to Skia. Common classes who worship Skia are Clerics, Monks, Druids, Rangers, Transmuters, Necromancers, Telepaths, Seers, and Soulknives. Charisma and Dexterity are the main attributes of worshipers of Skia.
Worship Requirements-
Inequality is an intolerable ideal to Skia, and those who embody that must be punished. Worshipers must actively speak out and fight against injustices of inequality; by fighting they could do it peacefully in a “Stand up for their rights and protest” style of fighting, or a more literal form by beating both parties senselessly until they agree to get along.
Level 1-Speak Language is always a class skill
Level 5-Gain Darkvision 60ft or increase Darkvision by 60ft.
Level 10-Once per day, you can diminish the light from a persons eyes with a blindness spell. Your character level equals your caster level, Dexterity determines the DC.
Level 15-Gain Blindsense 30ft or increase blindsense by 30ft.
Level 20-Once per day, you create an area of Darkness equal to 30ft per character level as a Darkness spell. Those caught in the Darkness must make a will save at each increment in order to not fall under it's other disastrous effects. Your character level determines your caster level, refer to the chart below for the effects-
1 minute inside the darkness- Confusion for as long as the Darkness lasts plus ten minutes afterwards.
10 Minutes inside the darkness- Crushing Despair for 1 Day.
20 Minutes inside the darkness- Nightmare for 1 day.
1 Hour inside the darkness- Blindness for 1 day.
3 Hours inside the darkness- Confusion lasts for 1 week instead of one day.
Domain spells-
1st-Inflict Light Wounds, Ray of Enfeeblement
2nd-Inflict Moderate Wounds, Darkness
3rd-Inflict Serious Wounds, Deeper Darkness
4th-Inflict Critical Wounds, Bestow Curse
5th-Inflict Light Wounds (Mass), Animate Dead
6th-Harm, Circle of Death
7th-Inflict Moderate Wounds (mass), Shadow Conjuration (greater)
8th-Inflict Serious Wounds (mass), Horrid Wilting
9th-Influct Critical Wounds (mass), Energy Drain
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
So, all gods were wiped by the titans, what about the demon and devil princes? Demogorgon, Diseth et cetera, et cetera.
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- Siberys
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- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Well, they supposedly still exist. I haven't destroyed the planes, just the gods. To be honest, I doubt they'd become relevant at any point during this game though.
Were you thinking about joining this game?
Were you thinking about joining this game?
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
I never played a D&D game in English. As a matter of fact i'm quite worried that there may be a language barrier that isn't a problem in a casual conversation, but may very well ruin my poorly-written, narrow-minded character messages, and cause confusion.
So.. i haven't even thought about it yet.
As for the lower plain rulers, they allow a few prestige classes to people who "worship" them (even though they have no levels of godhood, and can not grant spells) and if they were gone, "Disciple of.." PC's would be unavailable.
So.. i haven't even thought about it yet.
As for the lower plain rulers, they allow a few prestige classes to people who "worship" them (even though they have no levels of godhood, and can not grant spells) and if they were gone, "Disciple of.." PC's would be unavailable.
[url=""]BG2 tactical mods guide[/url]
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- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Well, let me put it this way. I'm basing this setting off the three core rulebooks only, which don't mention demon lords or archdevils.
Supplemental rules are allowed as I stated earlier, but there's always going to be the occasional hiccup in rule changes I make (such as a lack of god and the complete absence of domains).
You are welcome to join. We can always try and work on the language barrier. It's up to you.
Supplemental rules are allowed as I stated earlier, but there's always going to be the occasional hiccup in rule changes I make (such as a lack of god and the complete absence of domains).
You are welcome to join. We can always try and work on the language barrier. It's up to you.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
If there is still at least 1 spot open I would like to join too. I will wait for more people to put some characters before I will create mine to supplement what is missing. Right now I am looking at the beguiler. I was thinking at something that blends spells with rogues.
I would say Stworca should definitively join us, but only if he plays a Sorcerer
Jokes aside, I am not a native speaker myself, but only being in contact with those that are you can actually improve, so I highly recommend you hop in the wagon.
A quick question for Siberys: do you allow the use of the rules from UA (I am thinking especially of buying LA with experience, having traits or taking flaws for feats)?
I would say Stworca should definitively join us, but only if he plays a Sorcerer
A quick question for Siberys: do you allow the use of the rules from UA (I am thinking especially of buying LA with experience, having traits or taking flaws for feats)?
Nordak Rockhoof - HP:10/23, AC17/T10/F17, Init.:+0/20ft., Save:F7/R0/W2, Att.:+4(1+4STR-1PA)
Westan Krest - HP:10/10, AC15/T12/F13, Init.:+2/20ft., Save:F4/R2/W2, Att.:+2(1+2STR-1PA)
Tools: Dice Roller
Westan Krest - HP:10/10, AC15/T12/F13, Init.:+2/20ft., Save:F4/R2/W2, Att.:+2(1+2STR-1PA)
Tools: Dice Roller
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Yes, slots are still well open.
2 Slots are reserved and there's a total of six allowed slots. So that means the first four players, whoever they may be, to come and say "I want to play" in this thread are -guaranteed- to get in. The possibility of a fifth and sixth slot depend entirely on the two players, Treblin and Rylais, who have a reservation.
UA rules are generally allowed. However, buying off a level adjustment with XP is not allowed. TBH, that's a really wonky system and since I'm eliminating the use of XP as an expense entirely, it doesn't really have a place.
Having Flaws and traits and stuff though, totally okay with that.
2 Slots are reserved and there's a total of six allowed slots. So that means the first four players, whoever they may be, to come and say "I want to play" in this thread are -guaranteed- to get in. The possibility of a fifth and sixth slot depend entirely on the two players, Treblin and Rylais, who have a reservation.
UA rules are generally allowed. However, buying off a level adjustment with XP is not allowed. TBH, that's a really wonky system and since I'm eliminating the use of XP as an expense entirely, it doesn't really have a place.
Having Flaws and traits and stuff though, totally okay with that.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Glad to see you're willing to join Treblin.
I will point out that there are a lot of issues with your character sheet.
First, you've spent too many points in the point buy.
STR-10 (2)
DEX-16 (10)
CON-16 (10)
INT-10 (2)
WIS-14 (6)
CHA-10 (2)
This adds up to 32 points and you only have 28 points to spend.
Attack- Masterwork Longsword +6 (3 DEX+2 BAB + 1MW)
Attack- Longbow +5/+6 (3DEX+2BAB +1w/ MW arrows) (50 MW arrows)
Attack- Masterwork Warhammer +6 (3 DEX+2 BAB + 1MW)
Longswords and Warhammers do not gain benefits from weapon finesse. You'll have to use your strength modifier for these weapons, or another weapon entirely to use weapon finesse.
Light weapons, Rapier, whip, Spiked Chain, and Unarmed Strike are the weapons that function with weapon finesse.
Third, you've spent 14 skill points and only have 12.
3 in Tumble counts as 6 for cross class, +4 from intimidate, +2 from listen and +2 from spot.
Fourth, you only get one language, Common. Your intelligence is 10 so no bonus languages.
Finally, and I don't mean to be offensive about this, I just wanna make sure this is what you want to do. Are you sure you want to have a carbon copy character from Anette? I mean, to me, choosing the same obscure, homebrew customized race as another player seems rather...odd. Same race, same alignment, nearly the same hair features; I have no problem with this but I just want to make sure it's what you want.
I will point out that there are a lot of issues with your character sheet.
First, you've spent too many points in the point buy.
STR-10 (2)
DEX-16 (10)
CON-16 (10)
INT-10 (2)
WIS-14 (6)
CHA-10 (2)
This adds up to 32 points and you only have 28 points to spend.
Attack- Masterwork Longsword +6 (3 DEX+2 BAB + 1MW)
Attack- Longbow +5/+6 (3DEX+2BAB +1w/ MW arrows) (50 MW arrows)
Attack- Masterwork Warhammer +6 (3 DEX+2 BAB + 1MW)
Longswords and Warhammers do not gain benefits from weapon finesse. You'll have to use your strength modifier for these weapons, or another weapon entirely to use weapon finesse.
Light weapons, Rapier, whip, Spiked Chain, and Unarmed Strike are the weapons that function with weapon finesse.
Third, you've spent 14 skill points and only have 12.
3 in Tumble counts as 6 for cross class, +4 from intimidate, +2 from listen and +2 from spot.
Fourth, you only get one language, Common. Your intelligence is 10 so no bonus languages.
Finally, and I don't mean to be offensive about this, I just wanna make sure this is what you want to do. Are you sure you want to have a carbon copy character from Anette? I mean, to me, choosing the same obscure, homebrew customized race as another player seems rather...odd. Same race, same alignment, nearly the same hair features; I have no problem with this but I just want to make sure it's what you want.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Sounds good. Thank you for the clarifications!Siberys wrote:Yes, slots are still well open.
2 Slots are reserved and there's a total of six allowed slots. So that means the first four players, whoever they may be, to come and say "I want to play" in this thread are -guaranteed- to get in. The possibility of a fifth and sixth slot depend entirely on the two players, Treblin and Rylais, who have a reservation.
UA rules are generally allowed. However, buying off a level adjustment with XP is not allowed. TBH, that's a really wonky system and since I'm eliminating the use of XP as an expense entirely, it doesn't really have a place.
Having Flaws and traits and stuff though, totally okay with that.
Nordak Rockhoof - HP:10/23, AC17/T10/F17, Init.:+0/20ft., Save:F7/R0/W2, Att.:+4(1+4STR-1PA)
Westan Krest - HP:10/10, AC15/T12/F13, Init.:+2/20ft., Save:F4/R2/W2, Att.:+2(1+2STR-1PA)
Tools: Dice Roller
Westan Krest - HP:10/10, AC15/T12/F13, Init.:+2/20ft., Save:F4/R2/W2, Att.:+2(1+2STR-1PA)
Tools: Dice Roller
I;ve noticed that one of the titans allows Darkness spell as a blessing.
This brings a question about the spell itself :
Are we talking here about the "I can't see anything! Mom!?" - half speed, 50% miss chance, listen check to know where your nose is - Darkness? Or rather the "Hey, it's dark, but i can see just fine" - 'shadowy illumination' with 20% miss - Darkness?
- - -
In the next few days i will be absolutely unavailable, but should there be a spot left once i return, i will most likely join.
The language barrier that i've mentioned isn't going to pose problems for you, but rather for me. My characters most of the time were ridiculous-deceivers, diplomatic-***holes that could sell snow to eskimo, and did it on all occasions. They always aimed to confuse everyone around with every sentence, rarely straight, sometimes unrelated, always left something unsaid. Always aimed to confuse, even if only for a second, to gain upper hand in eventual combat.
What i'm trying to say is : They would say "Your breath smells like Internally processed, nutritionally-drained biological output, thus it compliments your pre-titan-war outfit in a way i find transcendently... bla bla bla" instead of "I don't like you, let's fight.".
While in Polish i use such "variations" myself all the time (yes.) it could pose a problem 'ere. I'd have to dumb it down somewhat (because otherwise i wouldn't be able to write it in a grammatically and politically correct way).
...Yeah :laugh:
I'd most likely play.. *gasp* a wizard or a sorcerer.. How unexpected!
But since by the time i'm back it could be all full - i'm "ok" with anything, really.
Sincere Regards
This brings a question about the spell itself :
Are we talking here about the "I can't see anything! Mom!?" - half speed, 50% miss chance, listen check to know where your nose is - Darkness? Or rather the "Hey, it's dark, but i can see just fine" - 'shadowy illumination' with 20% miss - Darkness?
- - -
In the next few days i will be absolutely unavailable, but should there be a spot left once i return, i will most likely join.
The language barrier that i've mentioned isn't going to pose problems for you, but rather for me. My characters most of the time were ridiculous-deceivers, diplomatic-***holes that could sell snow to eskimo, and did it on all occasions. They always aimed to confuse everyone around with every sentence, rarely straight, sometimes unrelated, always left something unsaid. Always aimed to confuse, even if only for a second, to gain upper hand in eventual combat.
What i'm trying to say is : They would say "Your breath smells like Internally processed, nutritionally-drained biological output, thus it compliments your pre-titan-war outfit in a way i find transcendently... bla bla bla" instead of "I don't like you, let's fight.".
While in Polish i use such "variations" myself all the time (yes.) it could pose a problem 'ere. I'd have to dumb it down somewhat (because otherwise i wouldn't be able to write it in a grammatically and politically correct way).
...Yeah :laugh:
I'd most likely play.. *gasp* a wizard or a sorcerer.. How unexpected!
But since by the time i'm back it could be all full - i'm "ok" with anything, really.
Sincere Regards
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- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Whatever the normal effect of the [url=""]Darkness[/url] spell is.Are we talking here about the "I can't see anything! Mom!?" - half speed, 50% miss chance, listen check to know where your nose is - Darkness? Or rather the "Hey, it's dark, but i can see just fine" - 'shadowy illumination' with 20% miss - Darkness?
*******s work just fine for me, just remember that you are required to essentially get along with the party. Otherwise it doesn't really matter how you play your character.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Ok, just a small update for those confused about who is and isn't in the game and official slots left.
1- Treblin
2- Reserved but potentially open
3- Annette
4- Malinzaro
5- Open
6- Open
This is a list of people who have directly stated they are joining the game (i.e. not people who are "thinking about joining the game").
This essentially means I have 2 to 3 slots left open, and I'm going to give Rylais a week to respond. If he doesn't, I'm offering it up to the first person who requests it.
1- Treblin
2- Reserved but potentially open
3- Annette
4- Malinzaro
5- Open
6- Open
This is a list of people who have directly stated they are joining the game (i.e. not people who are "thinking about joining the game").
This essentially means I have 2 to 3 slots left open, and I'm going to give Rylais a week to respond. If he doesn't, I'm offering it up to the first person who requests it.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged