Well, if there's nothing else, then I'll go ahead and write it.
Sorry, didn't mean it like there was nothing else. Giving out ample information about a brand new world is an abstract idea and rather hard to think of one particular relevant thing to say.
I was sort of curious about the city of Rhodes, though. Who inhabits it? Are there power struggles? Who rules? That sort of thing.
Who- Underdark and Surfacer alike.
Demographics include:
Humans 25%
Elves (including underdark) 21%
Gnomes (including underdark) 20%
Dwarves (including underdark) 17%
Halflings 13%
Orcs (including underdark) 4%
Other (including underdark) 2%
The city is a huge metropolis (roughly 600 square miles) with about 600,000 denizens (1200 people per square mile).
The government type is a six pointed council acting as a democracy. Six ambassadors to each titan, all quite powerful as they are intelligent, representing the ideals and beliefs of their citizens.
Segregationists of titans are looked down upon and not allowed to vote, this includes anyone who does not receive a titans blessing even if they do worship one.
The system is simple. Once every 10 years, a campaign is held for 18 champions of the titans, 3 for each. Voters must present their mark of their worshipped titan, and are only allowed to vote for champions of said titan (i.e. those who worship Skia won't be able to vote for any Champions of any other titan than Skia). The champions demonstrate their power, their intellect and their rationality to the people in a one month event. At the end of the month, one of each champion of the six sets will win their place as an Ambassador.
Any Ambassador who wishes to run again as a champion of their titan after a ten year period may do so as many times as he wishes.
The oldest and longest running Ambassador is Drikki Pyrfeet, a middle aged dwarf on his eighth term who worships Pyrkagia.
There are often athiest insurrectionists who pop up every now and then demanding their right to be heard but are often too radical to be kept alive and are publically executed for their crimes.
Some people, even titan worshipers, question the fairness of this law though, and demand that the crimes they commit be public. To this day, not one crime has ever been made public.