version: 0.1 (initial version)
original idea from Fred Burton, author of the Light of Selune Mod for iwd2
his change: "I've updated the benefits of all Weapon Focus and Specialization feats thusly.
Weapon Focus now provides a +1 to-hit and +2 damage bonus, and Weapon Specialization
provides a +2 to-hit and +4 damage bonus."
small change by lefuet:
I just upped the damage bonus for weapon specialization one more to +5
to distance it better from weapon focus and keep a stronger incentive to include 4 fighter levels.
copy the file to your override folder to activate
remove the file from your override folder to deactivate
what is changed:
weapon specialization:
0 of 3: -4 to hit bonus (same)
1 of 3: +0 to hit bonus (same)
2 of 3: +1 to hit +2 to damage bonus
3 of 3: +2 to hit +5 to damage bonus