chucka likes coqs
chucka likes coqs
no really, it's the fourth time i'm forced to restart the game (due to some bugs), and i was never able to get chucka in my party. It's a really obese stupid ogre, he always express like a retarded and is unable to talk, although i've reached qintarra, and i've repressed the orc's rebellion, he keep not talking, only "uurgh"... fagtard ogre. How can i get him in my party? I was wondering a party with 3 ogres (omg, obese trooper). Thanks
i HAD (now the file is lost) the slots for 2 members, i HAD 20 in charisma, i HAD 2 rank of persuasion, and i HAD +97 alignment. Then, what's his problem? Am i too beautiful for him who's a rare beast? Does he dislike technology? Does he dislike melee fighter? Does he dislake human-dwarven-h.orcs-h.ogres? Does he dislike any form of dialogue? What the hell is with him? OOOOOOrrrr, maybe i have to finish the game 1337 times to get him 
I dont know what you need to get him, but I had Expert in Persuasion Female Half-elf with 12 Beauty by that time. She was slightly leaning toward tech. He joined even though I had my extra follower slot filled, but later in the game he would not re-join after telling him to wait due to the party being too full. I had 9 followers, counting the Dog and Dwarf Wizard and couldnt add a tenth without losing someone besides those two.
Well generally I have some persuasion in all my playthroughs I can honestly say it isn't hard to really get Chuuka though it may seem it, all followers require you to be they're lvl or better, and I believe Chukka will join the party at the point JUST before going to the Isle of Despair, I don't believe anytime before or after though... I tend to not how much to back up my arguments, but I know that I've made many custom background characters, some without persuasion all together, some just fight they're way through, kill they're way through... it doesn't seem to make much change, so long as your his lvl, and are at that point in the game I think you can recruit him if you have enough space to.
I wish Life were more like video games, I always screw up on my first guy and need 2 more to get it right.