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NPC Wizards are bugged...

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NPC Wizards are bugged...

Post by Starbuckii »

NPC Wizards are bugged... (spoilers)

(Spoilers ahead)

I'm noticing that every NPC wizard seems bugged (except the one in the keep that helps you destroy
the orb
but he doesn't stay for long).

The one in the tavern never learns 3rd level spells (Spuigir or something). I wanted to see what he would I fought till he level to 7 but he never learned one. He did learn a 4th level, but no 3rd level. He also only learned 1 spell/level even though wizards are supposed to learn 2. Would have made more sense as a Sorceror (as they learn few).

The enemy wizard you fight near
the orb
has no spellcraft meaning he can't learn any spells (his low levels are okay but higher are need improvement except stonekin which rocks). He also has negative Exp... which is weird.
Seriously, I go to see if I can craft a scroll (so he has more castings) and it said like -45000 xp.

I made sure to kill and raise him so he wouldn't end his dominate person spell when resting (I was lucky he failed save). I mean he is cool as he has regeneration somehow, but negative XP is weird.

Are there any NPCs that are programmed correctly?
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Post by qwerty1971 »

yes spugnoir is a wuss, but he has some value if played correctly. When i do invite him into the party i use him in these roles:
1- whenever my party finds new arcane scrolls i have him learn them and then make a scroll of the same spell to give to the party wizard. two for the price of one.
2- he eventually learns how to craft wonderous items and when high enough in level i use him to make cloaks of resistence +3 for all the party members. that way my party spellcasters do not burn up the xp.
3- make him a battle mage; fill his slots up with magic missile, fireball, tasha's, phantasmal killer etc. keep him in the back of the fight (although enemies will try to kill him and he has horrible coordination since he trips all the time) and let him sling arcane offensive death. that makes him feel good since carrying anything more than 4 potions tires him out.
just my 2 cents.
as for the others- dunno, never tried charming them or inviting them. will try that.
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