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NPC Attack bonus makes no sense

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NPC Attack bonus makes no sense

Post by Sykar »

Alright I am in the middle of another KotoR runthrough and just noticed something very strange.

The attack bonus of Bastilla and Juhani seem to be WAY off.

Ok without any equipment and both are level 10. Juhani got 14 strength and Bastilla 12.

Juhani as a level 10 Guardian should have a base of +10. Add in +2 from strength and she should sit at +12 attack bonus prior to any gear and buffs.
+13 AB with a Lightsaber due to her 16 Dex.

Bastilla is a level 10 Sentinel and should have a BA +7 with 12 strength she should sit at a +8 AB. With a Lightsaber and her 19 Dex she should be at +11 AB without equipment

Yet Juhani got +17/+17 AB even on offhand while dual wielding while Bastilla got +10/+8 AB.

From my calculations and due to me having standard lightsabers only so far Bastilla should sit at +12/+10. This is a bit lower than she should if my calculations are not off.

Juhani should sit at +14/+12 but she got +17/+17 which is significantly higher than she should be.

Is my math off? Or am I experiencing a strange bug?

Alright nevermind, the author of the K1 Force Pack mod didn't specify some of his changes in his readme. How I HATE it when Modders do not accuratly document what they change. Now I have to waste time to clean up his mess.
The BA table for the classes was totally screwed up by him.
Guardians got +30 BA and JCs BA at +10.
Yeah right since the DC difference between a JC and a Guardian is about +20 in favour of the JC as well, right?! And it's not like some enemies are even immune to some force powers or can make themselves immune. Great thinking on balance. Guess he wanted to make Guardians even more OP as they are already. :rolleyes:

Still after editing Bastilas AB is still slightly off but at least Juhani's is in line now.
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