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I need help making a character that can crit every hit

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I need help making a character that can crit every hit

Post by nidrac85 »

i would like to have some idea as to what feats, class and if need be a prestige class for a character that can crit on every hit. so if anyone as anything just let me know. oh and this will be a character from level 1-20.

thank you for the help :)
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Post by Siberys »

There is no character class, prestige class, feat, power or skill like that because that is extremely broken and powerful. It takes away from the fun of the game doing that.

Weapons Master, a 3.0 prestige class, was about a 1/3 as powerful as what you're asking, and was widely considered to be the most broken class of all 3.0.
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Post by GawainBS »

Critical Hits aren't as powerful as you'd think: about 1/3 (all undead, constructs, elementals and oozes, for starters) of the opposition is immune to them, and immunity via items or spells is pretty easy to come by.

Anyway, what comes closest to what you ask is something like a [url=""]Kaotri Resin[/url] Falchion wielding [url=""]Psychic Weaponmaster[/url] with Improved Critical (Falchion). That would give you 13-20/x3 threat range. The Falchion is a twohanded weapon, so you can extra mileage from Power Attack.

If you're allowed to use unupdated 3.0 material (since unupdated 3.0 material counts as still being usable), you could go for a regular Weaponmaster and a Spiked Glove (or something like that) from Sword and Fist. It grants you 17-20/x2 base threat, which increases to 13-20/x2 with Improved Critical/Keen and 9-20 with Weaponmaster, IIRC. I wouldn't touch Weaponmaster, though, since it is bland and hardly (if any) better than a regular warrior.
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Post by Sturm26 »

I agree with first post, this defeats the entire purpose of the game. Of course you could always be my friend who made a bugbear who dual wielded great swords....
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Post by Siberys »

Please don't revive year old threads just to say "I agree."
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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