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This forum is to be used for discussion about any RPG, RPG hybrid, or MMORPG that doesn't have its own forum.
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Post by rjhamel90 »

hey guys I'm Ryan. I'm new to Game Banshee but not new to D&D just looking for people who like to talk about D&D and other games. I like to here about new quests and campaigns. I like all video games and RPG's let me know whats up. Don't be shy, say hi.
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Post by LastDanceSaloon »

Hi there & welcome!

There's quite a mixed bag here so you should be fine to talk about anything and everything RPG.

I'm not so hot on D&D as I had a lot of quick death/bad rolls/weird Dungeonmaster experience when I was young, although I did enjoy the concept.

I found more love for the Fighting Fantasy Choose Your Own Adventure series initiated by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, to which their Monster Manual is one of my most ragged and dog-eared books.

In terms of computer games, there's so many to choose from it's difficult to pick an outright best or favourite, but this site normally has someone who has played the one you want to talk about at any given time.

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Post by candesco »

I'm not familiar with the pen & paper game D&D, but i have some games which uses the rules of D&D. Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2, Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2. I play Neverwinter Nights 2 alot and Planescape: Torment too.
Fun games. In NWN 2 i took a wild elf sorceress now. Never finished the OC. I hope to do that now. I'm now in Act III. Also have to finish MotB and SoZ.
Soon i will also make a start with Baldur's Gate. Have to grab Icewind Dale too.
Next to D&D games i also play DSA games. DSA = Das Schwarze Auge or The Dark Eye in English (TDE). DSA is the German D&D version so to speak, but different. Both Drakensang games are based upon the rules of TDE. Drakensang: The Dark Eye has a section here on gamebanshee. Drakensang: The River of Time is not represented here. I have finished the first drakensang. Have to finish the second one (the river of time)
The old Realms of Arkania serie is also based on TDE.
Partybased games are quite fun to play.
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