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Mount & Blade and Warband - Underrated!

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Mount & Blade and Warband - Underrated!

Post by Kalashnikova »

There's no forum for Mount and Blade, and it isn't very popular. But, why? If you haven't heard of this title; by all means, check it out! It's an amalgamation of an RPG, an RTS and Braveheart WITH Multiplayer support that is designed to simulate medieval life, politics and combat. It puts you right into the action and allows you to train and upgrade your troops face to face, in either the battlefield or the training field. The technology is historically accurate to the time frame the game takes place in (11th century) and the entire game world is yours to conquer! Just about every aspect of managing an army and kingdom in the 1200's is covered. This game helped fulfill a few life goals of mine that just aren't a part of any viable career options available these days. Getting on a horse, brandishing a spear and, trying to recruit soldiers in various towns to take up a rebel cause just doesn't work in the 2000's. The only place the game falls short is the dialogue between you and the NPCs and the fact that the hero characters don't have the same dynamics and development that you would get with the relationships in other titles like Half-Life. (Gordon and Alyx, the Vorts, Eli, Keiner...Barney) Also, the game lacks a real antagonist/s. All of that, coupled with the fact that the AI is wonky at times, gives you kind of a lonely feeling, and makes it just a little more obvious than other games that ARE playing against a computer. However, I'm not saying the game is COMPLETELY without the above. Taleworlds; the independent developers did take a good "stab" at the above mentioned, but the social aspect of the game still needs a lot of improvement, though it does offer some context for the player with the "Relations" feature and the ability to make decisions based on morality that the NPCs do sometimes recognize. Also, the economy is pretty complex....Okay, out of breath and that "stab" remark was punny...I didn't want this to be a review, but it ended up that way...Whoops! It was actually supposed to be a light rant. Move it if you choose. Anyway, a new installation to the Mount and Blade title is coming. Mount and Blade - With Fire and Sword! I can't wait.

Link to Taleworlds site: .:TaleWorlds:.
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Post by Kalashnikova »

Welcome! It's a fun game!
As above, so below!
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