I'm playing Torment for the second time, this time as a mage. I just decided to continue a game that I began some months ago, interrupted due to lack of time, but now I can't find anymore the chocolate quasit for Quell!
I mean that I already got it from V's shop some month ago, but I can't find it anymore in my inventory!!!! :speech:
I don't even remember if I placed it inside any chest or container, to save space for missions... is there any way to restore it by save-game editor or console command? I tried the TormentHack trainer, but the quasit is missing from the list of abailable items.
Please, help!!! I really dont' want to start over....
PS: is there any hack that allows to equip fall from grace with wooden weapons? While fighting, she really sucks (even if she is the only healer and lighting storm is nice).