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MMORPG facts and statistics

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MMORPG facts and statistics

Post by simulacrum »

Hey everyone.

I am in the middle of a University project regarding MMORPGs and I was wondering if there are any reliable sites/ online journals with useful figures and facts about budgets, incomes, population fluctuation, demographics and the sort. Not every single MMORPG out there, mind, just some good solid facts about some of the most popular ones.

I am getting a bit desperate with all the contradictory and vague figures flying out there so any help would be greatly appreciated. If the sources are quotable, all the better for my bibliography section.

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Post by Ares2382 »

I think is about the only site that I've ever seen that has all the major MMO numbers. However, even they put a disclaimer on their site that some of their data maybe out of date or estimated.

I don't think you'll find a better site though. These guys seem to do their research pretty well.
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