Mount and Blade and Warband
Mount and Blade and Warband
I'm thinking about starting one of those games again but i wanna try them with some mods this time. Any recommendations?
Depends what you're looking for. With Warband, are you mostly interested in single or multiplayer? I'm an enormous fan of the Mount and Musket multiplayer mod, which sets the game in the Napoleonic Wars. Really excellent gameplay and graphics, it always has a few busy servers, and a generally very pleasant community.
If you're more into single player for Warband, I can throw out a few names. Prophesy [sic] of Pendor is a really nice fantasy adaptation, though it's a little on the challenging side. Still, plenty of great new features keep it very entertaining. If you're into feudal Japan, try the Shogun mod. The new meshes and animations make it very immersive. If you want to check others out, just look up the Taleworlds forum and see what they have there.
Honestly, though, I really feel that vanilla M&B has the best mod scene. The top three that I can recommend for it are as follows:
1. The Last Days: It's hands-down the most amazing M&B mod I've ever seen. It moves the setting to Middle-Earth from the Lord of the Rings, and completely restructures how the game works. The good factions (Gondor, Rohan, 3 elf factions, Beornings, Dale, and the Dwarves) are at war with the evil factions (Mordor, Harad, Easterlings, Isengard, Moria, Gundabad, Dul Goldur, and Rhun). By doing quests (some specialized, like killing ents for Saruman), you gain influence with the different characters, gaining special awards (Arathorn's sword, Bard's bow, etc.). It really makes the game incredibly more engaging; you can play as nearly any character you can possibly imagine (a swan knight of Dol Amroth, a ranger of Ithilien, a rider of Rohan, an Uruk Hai berserker, a goblin warg rider, etc.). I can't tell you how many hours I've spent loving this mod to death.
2. 1866 is a similarly spectacular mod that entirely ports the game to the Wild West. It's all excellently done as well, and you're free to play as a native American, Mexican or American, as either a soldier for the different nations or as a lawman or outlaw fighting against the different gangs. It's got a really brilliant implementation of firearms.
3. Rus XIII Century is another great mod if you're looking for something a little more standard. Eastern Europe in the 13th century. Beautiful looking models, and a ton of new features (i.e., you get to see weather like snow and rain on the campaign map). Also great fun.
Hope this helps!
If you're more into single player for Warband, I can throw out a few names. Prophesy [sic] of Pendor is a really nice fantasy adaptation, though it's a little on the challenging side. Still, plenty of great new features keep it very entertaining. If you're into feudal Japan, try the Shogun mod. The new meshes and animations make it very immersive. If you want to check others out, just look up the Taleworlds forum and see what they have there.
Honestly, though, I really feel that vanilla M&B has the best mod scene. The top three that I can recommend for it are as follows:
1. The Last Days: It's hands-down the most amazing M&B mod I've ever seen. It moves the setting to Middle-Earth from the Lord of the Rings, and completely restructures how the game works. The good factions (Gondor, Rohan, 3 elf factions, Beornings, Dale, and the Dwarves) are at war with the evil factions (Mordor, Harad, Easterlings, Isengard, Moria, Gundabad, Dul Goldur, and Rhun). By doing quests (some specialized, like killing ents for Saruman), you gain influence with the different characters, gaining special awards (Arathorn's sword, Bard's bow, etc.). It really makes the game incredibly more engaging; you can play as nearly any character you can possibly imagine (a swan knight of Dol Amroth, a ranger of Ithilien, a rider of Rohan, an Uruk Hai berserker, a goblin warg rider, etc.). I can't tell you how many hours I've spent loving this mod to death.
2. 1866 is a similarly spectacular mod that entirely ports the game to the Wild West. It's all excellently done as well, and you're free to play as a native American, Mexican or American, as either a soldier for the different nations or as a lawman or outlaw fighting against the different gangs. It's got a really brilliant implementation of firearms.
3. Rus XIII Century is another great mod if you're looking for something a little more standard. Eastern Europe in the 13th century. Beautiful looking models, and a ton of new features (i.e., you get to see weather like snow and rain on the campaign map). Also great fun.
Hope this helps!
[QUOTE=MaxfireXSA;1088826]No I did not perform an orgy, and yes I need tips on how to do this.[/QUOTE]