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Console RPG

This forum is to be used for discussion about any RPG, RPG hybrid, or MMORPG that doesn't have its own forum.
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Console RPG

Post by Nastypoet »

Im Looking for a console RPG game for PS3. Ha ve skyrim, fallout, oblivion GTA (if u count it and FF13). Any good ones recommended that aren't "story based" which alot of people complain about. I Played tales of symphora for wii which was great
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Post by Majiinfreddy »

Sadly, there aren't any.
At least not as great as they used to be.

Closest thing you get are Tactical RPGs, like Disgaea.
Streaming all Forgotten Realms games, and much more
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Post by GawainBS »

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Post by doady »

Dark Souls anyone? Hopefully the rumours of a PC version are true, because I don't have a PS3.

Also, the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona games seem to be VERY interesting.

Since you have a Wii, you probably should have Xenoblade Chronicles preordered already. It's supposedly the best traditional JRPG of this generation, and if you don't preorder it, there's a chance you will not be able to buy it at all (assuming you live in North America of course).

I love open-ended RPGs, and open-ended JRPGs like Xenoblade are extremely rare, so I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be released in just 2 weeks.

edit: since you are a fan of Tales of Symphonia, you also need to check out the recently released Tales of Graces F for PS3.
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