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NPCs not using powers?

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NPCs not using powers?

Post by Samia »

I just finished playing KOTOR all the way through. Bastilla, Juhani, & Jolee used their powers automatically whilst I was playing my PC. I started KOTOR 2 last night and I'm on Telos. I'm possibly level 7? Anyway, Kreia won't use ANY of her powers automatically whilst I'm playing my PC or Atton during a fight. Was it just not programmed into KOTOR 2 and I have to make her manually do it, is there an option I missed that I need to check off, is my game just bugged or is Kriea just that useless?

As a further note, Kriea does have powers she can use during a fight such as shock, fear, wound, etc. I've had to switch to her plenty of times already just to get her to use her powers.

Thanks for any help! It's been bugging me all last night and today!
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Post by Tricky »

It's quite simple. In the list of icons at the bottom of the screen where you can select force powers (when not in combat), medpacks/stims and sabre/force techniques, there is also a button that lets you predetermine what kind of AI the npcs use. Off the top of my head it can set to prefer either stationary behavior, grenadier behavior and ranged or melee behavior.
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Sith Dog reborn
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Post by Sith Dog reborn »

Just select Jedi Support under the behavior section on any Jedi character
I'm back with a vengeance!
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