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Killing Mercer

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Killing Mercer

Post by Borodin »

After killing Mercer in the Thieves Guild mission "Blindsighted"...the cavern fills with water and supposedly the wall behind the statue collapses, allowing you to escape......I sure don't see it - is it the wall directly behind the large statue and how high up; head, torso, etc.....It's sure not obvious. Help!
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Post by TAKR86 »

As far as I remember you have to wait until the water rises to a pretty high level and then a hole should appear above the head of the statue. I seem to recall that a piece of the statue's head will break off revealing the way...

It has been a while since I last played through the thieves guild quest line, so I might be wrong, but I hope it helps :)
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Post by Dummy »

TAKR86 wrote:As far as I remember you have to wait until the water rises to a pretty high level and then a hole should appear above the head of the statue. I seem to recall that a piece of the statue's head will break off revealing the way...

It has been a while since I last played through the thieves guild quest line, so I might be wrong, but I hope it helps :)
yeah this it 100% correct, if you face the statue it will break off above her head
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Ragin Cajun
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Post by Ragin Cajun »

As noted, it's near the very top of the cavern. Just tread water, moving to the surface as the water rises. If I recall it's one of the pipes that breaks open, not the wall itself...but it's been a while so I could be wrong on that. But it doesn't break until AFTER the water fills the cavern.

Suggest a save right before you go underwater so you don't drown/die while you are looking around.
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Post by Simon-Magus »

As I recall, you must have looted the SKELETON KEY from Mercer's corpse when you kill him before the exit hole will open for you.
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Post by LVX4242 »

I just tested it. if you do not loot the skeleton key the ceiling will not cave in.

after you get the key the spot is right above the statues head there is some big rocks that look out of place. they will cave just in time for you to escape the rising water.
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