I just watched the auction in Podal Plaza. I have a huge amount of cash from a couple rounds of gambling and the mounds of money the game keeps throwing at me just for looking around, so I tried to outbid the guy in plain clothes. He pulled some wizardy crap and ran away with the loot, and I never learned what the item being auctioned was, which I presume was the whole point of my attending the auction. I did, however, learn what I presume is the name of the man.
Did you look at our [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/poolofradiance/walkthrough.php"]walkthrough[/url]?
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Yes, and I've since completed the quest without any apparent problems. I just wasn't sure if getting the name of the item was important since the walkthrough didn't mention it. Thank you.
There's one more thing that's bugging me and for which I can't seem to find an answer online: what is the "woods holy symbol" in the temple of Bane for? This walkthrough does not even mention it. I figure it does nothing just as the various other holy symbols in the game do, but I have a persistent habit of carrying apparently unique things around for fear of missing important quests in these old DnD games. I'm still carrying the buccaneer leader's pass around too. Can I safely drop these without missing anything cool?
Well, I've finished the game and never did find a use for it. Very odd that there are so many holy symbols of various deities lying around in the game when they all apparently do nothing.