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MSGO Hardware Requirements and some Tech questions

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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dragon wench
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MSGO Hardware Requirements and some Tech questions

Post by dragon wench »

I am considering installing MSGO, but I'm not altogether certain how well I'll be able to run it, if at all.

These are my specs:

*Windows XP
*17 inch Samsung Syncmaster that runs at a native resolution of 1280 by 10 24 (laugh if you like, but this monitor has been amazing over the years and it's a life saver in allowing me to run games at high settings :D )
* 2 GB Ram
* 3 GHz dual core processor
* Asus GTX 550 TI card (newly installed for a nice interim boost)

Believe it or not, on this setup I can actually run Skyrim on all Ultra settings with AA at 8, and AF at 16. I suspect this is a combination of the lower resource draw of XP, my small screen, and the fact that although aging, my CPU is still holding its own.
However, Skyrim is a much better optimised game than Morrowind ever was, and I know that adding these types of mods to it adds a very heavy load.

My Ram , clearly, is the weak point. I had considered boosting it to 4 GB (well 3.5 technically), except that my current system uses DDR2, and once I shift everything over I'll need DDR3, so this is something I'd rather avoid, if possible.



Decided to go ahead and give it a try.... works and looks amazing!
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Post by squantodesmond »

dragon wench wrote:I am considering installing MSGO, but I'm not altogether certain how well I'll be able to run it, if at all.

These are my specs:

*Windows XP
*17 inch Samsung Syncmaster that runs at a native resolution of 1280 by 10 24 (laugh if you like, but this monitor has been amazing over the years and it's a life saver in allowing me to run games at high settings :D )
* 2 GB Ram
* 3 GHz dual core processor
* Asus GTX 550 TI card (newly installed for a nice interim boost)

Believe it or not, on this setup I can actually run Skyrim on all Ultra settings with AA at 8, and AF at 16. I suspect this is a combination of the lower resource draw of XP, my small screen, and the fact that although aging, my CPU is still holding its own.
However, Skyrim is a much better optimised game than Morrowind ever was, and I know that adding these types of mods to it adds a very heavy load.

My Ram , clearly, is the weak point. I had considered boosting it to 4 GB (well 3.5 technically), except that my current system uses DDR2, and once I shift everything over I'll need DDR3, so this is something I'd rather avoid, if possible.



Decided to go ahead and give it a try.... works and looks amazing!
I never played Morrowind so I installed the same mod on my laptop and what a difference it makes.The game looks so much better now.
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Post by Tricky »

I've said it before, but there's really nothing to be lost from installing it (the MGE part, at least). At worst you can tweak all the settings down to regular Morrowind-style graphics and then you still have the benefit of 3d acceleration and maybe an option or two from the advanced stuff (such as better lightening).
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Post by Nymie_the_Pooh »

I run it just fine. I am running 32 bit XP as well. My monitor is the same dimensions and resolution as yours. I keep it because I have kids and cats and the screen has a hardness rating of 9H on the Mohs Scale according to the documentation. It's just 3mm thick, but I've had it for eight years and there isn't a single scratch. My processor is a quad core 2.8 GHz, but I believe Morrowind might just use one core so you are definitely good there. My graphics card is an ATI HD 6790 which is pretty similar to the 550 TI as well. Some things the HD6790 is rated slightly better while the 550 TI has the edge in other areas. The one difference is in the memory. I have 4 gigs of memory, but like you said that is capped by the 32 bit system so may not matter. Add to that the fact that 32 bit programs are only ever going to use a maximum of 2 gigs of memory on its own and you should be fine.

I just noticed you went ahead and tried it and it worked. Glad to hear it. I'll still post this in case anybody else with a similar setup is looking to try it as well.
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Post by dragon wench »

@Nymie_the_Pooh, sounds like we have an extremely similar setup!
The mod is still working great. Initially I was cautious in my settings so as not to stress my system, I had no idea how it would respond.. but now I have all of the shaders running and the whole nine yards, all very smoothly! :D

Here is one of my favourite screens:
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Post by Tricky »

I need a new computer.. :(
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