I Was checking the Walkthrough for "Legend of Grimrock" and came across a part that I had more information on than was in the walkthrough so I clicked on the "let us know!" link under the map. so my outlook pops up and I write an email with my findings but it bounces for some reason. Maybe you can look into this e-mail bounce ?
I will post the info here already since I dont see a seperate forum for the game, Fair warning that if you read further you will get info you might not want to know if you play this game:
This is what I found in Legend of Grimrock:
Level 6: Trapped
5 - Snailroom
The snails have a trigger point and a timer.
The trigger is in the hallway outside the room the 5th square from the top and can be triggered every minute for 2 snails to spawn.
So wait one minute and walk over the square again to get 2 snails.