Early MMXII Information
Thank you, Gawain. I used the information from that thread to create a class dependency table. You can see it here. Now I just need to figure out which skills are offered by the classes.GawainBS wrote:This thread seems promising: http://forum.nordicgames.at/showthread. ... ost2652026
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
I've never seen so many non cheating hard core gamers; classes, skills, whew! I really admire everyone for correctness. I was completely played out in the earlier versions, having played the game 70 plus times. One gamer layed claim to playing over 100 times (eh, maybe, maybe not).
In MMXII the game is still dumb about what can be done to the save file. This time around, I'm choosing a character at random, hex editing the save file, and giving all class ability, all skills, immunity to spells, forces of nature, damage, etc.
Not so... I found out several hex locations are changed several bytes. Now anything that a save editor can possibly do, it can also be done by hex editing. Except, now you can't simply add crystals such as Cataclysm, etc. When you reach a certain level, crystals are added to your spell book.
In MMXII the game is still dumb about what can be done to the save file. This time around, I'm choosing a character at random, hex editing the save file, and giving all class ability, all skills, immunity to spells, forces of nature, damage, etc.
Not so... I found out several hex locations are changed several bytes. Now anything that a save editor can possibly do, it can also be done by hex editing. Except, now you can't simply add crystals such as Cataclysm, etc. When you reach a certain level, crystals are added to your spell book.
You're giving me, at least, too much credit.
I just want to "beat the system" behind the game. Or at the least think up of a mechanically solid character concept.
The Nordic Games forum thread is updated with Elite Skills per class.
SWC, I hope the original class table isn't gone? From the looks of it, I'll be returning to the original (CE) Dungeon Lords sooner or later.
The Nordic Games forum thread is updated with Elite Skills per class.
SWC, I hope the original class table isn't gone? From the looks of it, I'll be returning to the original (CE) Dungeon Lords sooner or later.
We'll have two versions of a lot of pages thanks to MMXII. The skills, spells, classes, and equipment are all different now, so they'll get new pages eventually, but the old pages will stay in place as well.GawainBS wrote:SWC, I hope the original class table isn't gone? From the looks of it, I'll be returning to the original (CE) Dungeon Lords sooner or later.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Looking at these class tables in some ways the new structure is more intricate.
You can be a class A, A+B or B, B+A just in the second tier..
(where A eg fighter, and B eg adept)
A+B paladin
A Lord
B celestial
Then at third tier your options are still two choices like in vanilla
Of course the sisterhood and the dojo add to the complexity..
I can't wait to get this and I hope I do on Friday!
You can be a class A, A+B or B, B+A just in the second tier..
(where A eg fighter, and B eg adept)
A+B paladin
A Lord
B celestial
Then at third tier your options are still two choices like in vanilla
Of course the sisterhood and the dojo add to the complexity..
I can't wait to get this and I hope I do on Friday!
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Agility says it increases movement speed and attack speed, but this isn't true. Attack speed is level based (at super high levels you just kind of twitch), and no stat adds any visible difference to movement speed, even at 1000. Also death does indeed have a penalty, but only if you die very early on. I assume before you get the crystal of life. Scout effectively caps at level 20, level 21 only makes a difference in the minimap when zoomed out completely.
Channel increases MP regen now, no idea what scribe does. Identify is in there as a diabolic skill, but I don't know if it can be obtained without cheating, or if it even does anything. Dual Two-Handed didn't work for me at all. Either a glitch or it breaks at level 65535 (other skills are fine). Runestones can still be found naturally(completely vanilla, no tools having ever been used on that installation), but this is a glitch and they disappear if you pick them up. Weapon skills don't influence damage. Even at level 1902, throwing still does the same damage. It just sucks. Speaking of level 1902, I'm not sure there is a level cap. I went from 1901 -> 1902 naturally. MP display caps at 65535, and thus breaks at these levels. I suspect pickpocket caps out in the same way as scout, but I don't have a concrete way of testing this.
And that's most of the random info I picked up today by playing with cheatengine, on version 1.60K. If anyone has something they'd like me to test, let me know and I might try it in my free time.
Channel increases MP regen now, no idea what scribe does. Identify is in there as a diabolic skill, but I don't know if it can be obtained without cheating, or if it even does anything. Dual Two-Handed didn't work for me at all. Either a glitch or it breaks at level 65535 (other skills are fine). Runestones can still be found naturally(completely vanilla, no tools having ever been used on that installation), but this is a glitch and they disappear if you pick them up. Weapon skills don't influence damage. Even at level 1902, throwing still does the same damage. It just sucks. Speaking of level 1902, I'm not sure there is a level cap. I went from 1901 -> 1902 naturally. MP display caps at 65535, and thus breaks at these levels. I suspect pickpocket caps out in the same way as scout, but I don't have a concrete way of testing this.
And that's most of the random info I picked up today by playing with cheatengine, on version 1.60K. If anyone has something they'd like me to test, let me know and I might try it in my free time.
A big difference in gameplay of MMXII, on shadow island, where you have to go different directions, the compass is disabled. When you first go there, take note of the direction on arrival and which direction you came from. An available walkthrough is for earlier versions and refers to going, for instance, E E W or whatever.
A big difference in gameplay of MMXII, on shadow island, where you have to go different directions, the compass is disabled. When you first go there, take note of the direction on arrival and which direction you came from. An available walkthrough is for earlier versions and refers to going, for instance, E E W or whatever.
Do you mean that the screen rotates? I never knew there was a compass
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Contrary to what was posted earlier, I believe that Magical Weapons skill unlocks "on strike" spells from certain weapons, as was the case before.
Skills & stats are raised on a 1-1 basis, which means you're hardly starved for them.
Non-rogues get the Bash skills, which allows you to bash open chests. Very effective.
Anyone got a list with the effects of the spells?
Skills & stats are raised on a 1-1 basis, which means you're hardly starved for them.
Non-rogues get the Bash skills, which allows you to bash open chests. Very effective.
Anyone got a list with the effects of the spells?
GawainBS wrote:Contrary to what was posted earlier, I believe that Magical Weapons skill unlocks "on strike" spells from certain weapons, as was the case before.
It does. This is how it was in the original as well.
CraigBee wrote:Thanks for the info Moron! I am very interested in what adding points to each characteristic or skill does. For example, what happens when you go from level 5 to level 6 in sword skill? Or Bow skill? Or Strength? etc... thanks!
Just tested. Melee weapon skills increase parry based on which weapon is in your main hand. Offhand doesn't factor in, nor does ranged.
Weapon skills in general increase your chance to hit. At level 65535 of weapon skills I never see "Miss" against Elder Kyusho (First elder), but he can still "Dodge." Even at these high levels, the strike display in character info says (Lvl 16) 93%,so I suspect this may be attack speed instead. Strength does indeed increase melee weapon damage. Appears to be +1 damage per every 10 str. Int increases MP. Agility increases dodge, iirc. Haven't tested the others enough.
Actually, agility does increase attack speed, but it caps pretty early. The "Speed" display in character info is attack speed. I can't get it to go over +200. This increases speed with fists and weapons. (Confirmed fists, 1h sword, bow, throwing). Formula for speed as far as I can tell is (agi x 2), so at 100 agility speed is maxed.
It looks like they're rogue exclusives, but you can pick open locks even without the skills. I've been picking level 5 chests with my fighter. It takes a few tries, but the trap damage is a joke. I'm sort of curious if I'll be able to pick high level chests, or if bash will be the only option.GawainBS wrote:Everybody can level Disarm Traps/Inspection/Lockpick at the same rate then? Please tell me those aren't Rogue exclusives.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
I assume he means the mini-map isn't shown. It's displayed in a circle now that looks a little like a compass, I guess.Claudius wrote:Do you mean that the screen rotates? I never knew there was a compassIf you aim for higher islands and wander you can get through not too bad, mind you results may surely vary.
Has anybody tested to see if they finally fixed the bug where leaving the Shadow Ruins means you can't get back in?
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
swcarter wrote:It looks like they're rogue exclusives, but you can pick open locks even without the skills. I've been picking level 5 chests with my fighter. It takes a few tries, but the trap damage is a joke. I'm sort of curious if I'll be able to pick high level chests, or if bash will be the only option.
Anyone tried rogue? Sounds like it gets the shaft. Again. Non-combat skills like lockpicking are bad enough but add to that having other classes pick locks?
So does anyone have good things to say about rogue? I want to be a druid/ninja lord if I can get it Friday in the USA.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
swcarter wrote:It looks like they're rogue exclusives, but you can pick open locks even without the skills. I've been picking level 5 chests with my fighter. It takes a few tries, but the trap damage is a joke. I'm sort of curious if I'll be able to pick high level chests, or if bash will be the only option.
I picked the chests in the Draedoth Temple with level 5ish lockpick/inspect. 1% difficuly, pitch black. Still managed it though, after lots of failures. Not viable for doors/dressers. Haven't tried bash.
Claudius wrote:Anyone tried rogue? Sounds like it gets the shaft. Again. Non-combat skills like lockpicking are bad enough but add to that having other classes pick locks?
So does anyone have good things to say about rogue? I want to be a druid/ninja lord if I can get it Friday in the USA.
Other classes have always been able to pick locks, but it's much harder. Rogues have pickpocket now (I think this was Tier II originally? Can't remember.) and pickpocket is godly if you use it on high level enemies. They drop near endgame equips like they're candy. Also rogues have dual wield, so a str/agility rogue hurts lots in melee. Rogues also get sneak (ability, not the skill) which makes monsters ignore them until they decloak/attack. There are a few scripted enemies that can see through sneak, such as one(only one) of the fire drakes at their nest, and that fire goblin that took that guy's flask. Flamebone or something.
Edit: Actually no, that drake can't see you, but it only attacks the host in multiplayer.
Moron wrote:Other classes have always been able to pick locks, but it's much harder. Rogues have pickpocket now (I think this was Tier II originally? Can't remember.) and pickpocket is godly if you use it on high level enemies. They drop near endgame equips like they're candy. Also rogues have dual wield, so a str/agility rogue hurts lots in melee. Rogues also get sneak (ability, not the skill) which makes monsters ignore them until they decloak/attack. There are a few scripted enemies that can see through sneak, such as one(only one) of the fire drakes at their nest, and that fire goblin that took that guy's flask. Flamebone or something.
Edit: Actually no, that drake can't see you, but it only attacks the host in multiplayer.
Oh cool. That makes me happy.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.