including the first ever new level, the recreation of the cut library
(this includes the library freeze and loading bug hotfixes)
Special thanks go to burgermeister for building the library map from
scratch, the geometry, the textures, the lighting and most entities,
using the SDK of Fire64 and Psycho-A, to a layout conceived together
with Wesp5. Thanks also to EntenSchreck, who added the huge cutscene
and Lenuska, who did the broadsword. Quest, puzzles, logs, surprise,
emails, note, guard and several entity fixes and additions by Wesp5.
Although the library level and 8.4 itself have been extensively beta-tested
by vladdmaster and Stosh, many thanks to both, there may still be issues,
especially with the library, as this is a completely new level. So feedback
and suggestions are welcome! Some minor issues are already known, like
a flickering decal and some weird LOD effects with two bookshelf models.
v8.4 31.10.2012
+Recreated library, thanks for beta testing to vladdmaster and Stosh.
+Unrestored library props elsewhere and fixed warform missing model.
+Fixed dead beachhouse dog doing damage and getting extra gallery XP.
+Added Humanity loss for killing Ash or Johansen at Leopold Society.
+Improved warehouse boss perception and swapped model with bartender.
+Removed Giovanni sarcophagus shortcut and added missing Bertram XP.
+Restored two spiderchick and fatguy animations, thanks EntenSchreck.
+Made Kiki leave Red Dragon and corrected original music at SM pier.
+Modified Potence and Thaumaturgy animations, thanks to EntenSchreck.
Improved TV and radio state consistencies in SM and downtown havens.
Fixed Humanity loss of Hollywood thugs and missing Heather options.
Prevented ways to break hospital, Mandarin and Romero quest scripts.
Fixed Cabbie's seating for some maps and people not giving jewelry.
Restored Johansen dialog Humanity changes and cut-off Beckett lines.
Fixed Venture Tower cameras and restored one Asylum elevator sound.
Added magazine quest state for killing Flynn and aborted getting it.
Corrected Hallowbrook Hotel door opening at and moved two spawners.
Fixed Isaac/Gargoyle quest state bug and adjusted several histories.
Removed bad sentence of Mercurio and one of Isaac's two "evening"s.
Fixed Ocean House double ghost encounter and moved elevator buttons.
Corrected floating Mercurio and passive guard inside Venture Tower.
Added newspaper of stealth Glaze and changed Fu newspaper condition.
Corrected King's Way details and a Hollywood Asian theater trigger.
Fixed Ash, Jack, Vandal, Romero, Mercurio and Therese dialogue bugs.
Restored inaccessible Prince, Damsel, Flynn, Hatter and Ming lines.
Decreased Fu Syndicate's cross guy timeout and fixed a bad doorknob.
Disabled buggy spawner in warrens level and fixed Noir cop problem.