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Archer kit missile bonus?

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Archer kit missile bonus?

Post by Claudius »

From the kit description in GB:

"- Missile weapon bonus (+1 bonus to hit and damage for every 3 levels"

So do you get a +1 bonus at first level raised to +2 at level 3, and +3 at level 6? Or is it no bonus at first level, +1 at 3 through 5 level, and +2 at 6th level?

Basicly when do you get the first +1 3rd or 1st level. I am guessing 3rd, but hoping 1st!

Edit: bonus question is if they may use darts with their bonuses?
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Post by Crenshinibon »

You do not get the +1 to hit and damage at level one.

BONUS: The Archer's bonus DOES apply to darts, which is my favorite ranged weapon.
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