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Dragon killing npcs

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Dragon killing npcs

Post by jimslayer76 »

I fast traveled to Riverwood, was immediately attacked by a Frost Dragon... I killed it, and then went inside the Trader's. When I came out a Courier handed me an inheritance note from Gerdur, whom the Dragon had killed not two minutes ago... Man the Jarl works fast... anyone else have this happen?
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Post by swcarter »

I've had dragons kill a lot of NPCs. It's annoying, especially when the NPCs are involved in quests. The Dawnguard DLC is good at this sort of thing, too.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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Post by LVX4242 »

unfortunately yes, it has told me that I have failed quests because of it. best thing to do is load the fast travel auto-save then run to the NPC and talk. if it says that the NPC is busy because they are attacking the dragon try and kill the dragon before the dragon kills the NPC. if it is inevitable (as it has been for me a few times) fast travel to a different location then fast travel to where you were going, that has worked for me a few times. the times it has not I have just had to run up to the dragon and hit "~" and then click on the dragon and type "kill". in worst case scenarios I feel it is quite appropriate to use the console.

hope that helps
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Post by Rad »

If you are playing on PC, there are mods out there that alter NPC behavior so they actually RUN AWAY when their town is attacked by a 50 foot flying lizard...
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