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In search of a 2D coop game

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Myrr Disparo
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In search of a 2D coop game

Post by Myrr Disparo »

I dunno if this is the best place to post this, but here goes:
Well, here's the thing: my girlfriend is spending a couple months abroad for work-related issues. Since being apart for so long is kind of a downer, we decided we'd at least spend some time gaming together, so as to keep in touch, as much as that will allow us.
Now, we've never been much of a gaming couple, so we really don't know what games would be enjoyable to play together. Since it's for a couple months only, subscription MMO's are out the window inmediately. Worse, she's got a bit of a condition that prevents her from playing any 3D game for more than a couple minutes without getting really dizzy and light-headed, so those are out too.
Also, she usually destroys me when it comes to platformers and action games, so I'm guessing it wouldn't be very enjoyable for her to play a game where she has to drag my useless ass along the way. Oh, another consideration: she'll only have her laptop there, and both our laptops are not exactly state of the art, so go easy on the system reqs (although being 2D that should be more or less granted)
With that in mind, what 2D PC co-op games do you reccomend? Of those, any particularly suited for short sessions? We only have a lot of free time during weekends, so getting a half hour of play during an idle spell and feeling like we made some progress is certainly a plus.
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Post by swcarter »

Are all 3D games a problem, or only ones with certain camera types (like over the shoulder or first person perspective)? A lot of newer games (like Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile) are in 3D, but they're presented like 2D games.

If it has to be a 2D game, then Diablo 2 might be your best bet. It's over ten years old, so it should work fine on any computer you have.

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Post by GawainBS »

You might look into League of Legends: you can play it co-op with just the two of you (and the rest being filled with the AI), a match generally takes 30-40 mins, and it's not high on system reqs. It is 3D, though, but represented from a top down view.
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Myrr Disparo
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Post by Myrr Disparo »

swcarter wrote:Are all 3D games a problem, or only ones with certain camera types (like over the shoulder or first person perspective)? A lot of newer games (like Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile) are in 3D, but they're presented like 2D games.

If it has to be a 2D game, then Diablo 2 might be your best bet. It's over ten years old, so it should work fine on any computer you have.


Yeah, I think it's over the shoulder and first person perspective that she has a problem with. We did play Spiral knights without a problem, after all. So, Torchlight 2 might be a good bet, if we can make it run. I didn't even know that had multiplayer.
GawainBS wrote:You might look into League of Legends: you can play it co-op with just the two of you (and the rest being filled with the AI), a match generally takes 30-40 mins, and it's not high on system reqs. It is 3D, though, but represented from a top down view.

Well, thing is, I'm not a big fan of those types of games, and she loathes them. Besides, I hear the community is pretty toxic, but, apparently, you can tune out the community. We'll try. I'll let you know how it goes
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Post by GawainBS »

I fully agree on LoL's community, that's why I added that you can play it with just the two of you.
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