Hey guys. Been a while since my last post :/
Anyways couple of weeks ago started playing VTMB again <3 I usually wait like 6-12 months every time I play for new patches and stuff to come out since I've completed the game untold times haha.
Anyway I have always wanted to tweak the game graphically but always been too lazy to learn how. This time I decided enough is enough and learned how to do it. Now I'm no expert but I have managed to mod a couple of NPC and PC characters in the game successfully. However... (and here's the issue)... I seem to be missing a large number of PC and NPC models in my folders for the game. I wanted to try tweaking a couple of VV's dancer girls which I believe would be in the materials/models/npc/common/stripper folder and I have two of the strippers (misti and the black girl) but not the asian girl or the one with the brunette pony tail :/. Also in many of the other folders there are missing files and some just have the eyes in them. Jeanettes folder isn't showing up at all and I'm guessing hers isn't the only one not showing up at all. The game runs fine so obviously the files must be SOMEWHERE?!
I've checked that they are not hidden files on my pc... so I am quite stumped as to where the little bleeders are hiding :/
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys XxXxX
Missing materials/models files in game?
I use the VPKTool for editing models and I have that, but where exactly are the VPK archives. Sorry if I sound like an idiot I have had a snoop about myself in all the files related to VPK and can't find an archive folder or anything like that, also have opened the VPKTool and tried messing with it to see if theres some secret folder somewhere that I don't know about but logic seems to have floated away today lol. You might have to dumb it down abit in a step by step for me to find it as I'm having a blonde moment Thanks Wesp x