A friend of mine is looking for games with Valkyries. The idea is of an armoured female warrior, preferably wielding a polearm, and, if possible, a touch of divine abilities.
So far, I came up with Wiz VIII, Valkyrie Profiles series, Dungeon Lords, Morrowind if you want. I suppose Skyrim & Oblivion can be added to that too, as can most D&D-based games.
Can you think of any other series/games?
Thanks in advance!
Valkyries in games
Sacred 2 has a Seraphim character who can use polearms. She has warrior, celestial (radiant bugzapper pillars, healing, and lightning), and the final aspect is technology such as energy shield or BFG (big gun).
It's an ARPG. The seraphim are like angels that look over the world of the creator (who has left). They are kinda spacey and out of touch with the lands.
It's an ARPG. The seraphim are like angels that look over the world of the creator (who has left). They are kinda spacey and out of touch with the lands.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
GawainBS wrote:Thanks for pointing out, but King's Bounty has a moronic combat system IMO. (Unit stacks are a very poor mechanic.)
That a game isn't your cup of tea is fine, but saying KB has a moronic combat system is plain stupid. There is nothing wrong with that mechanic. HoMM use it also, of which the reincarnation of KB is inspired after.
candesco wrote:That a game isn't your cup of tea is fine, but saying KB has a moronic combat system is plain stupid. There is nothing wrong with that mechanic. HoMM use it also, of which the reincarnation of KB is inspired after.
So because HoMM uses it, it's not a poor mechanic? The very system is forcing you to take losses, which you need to replace. At the very least, it makes things tedious, with all the back and forth traveling. I actually played it quite a lot, until I got tired of running back to a nearby base to resupply.
It's plain stupid not to notice that I said that I experienced it as moronic. For once, it was an opinion. (Which is based up on the above facts.)
I much prefer AoW's system, where you can virtually prevent losses if you play it smart.