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Titan quest champion problem

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Titan quest champion problem

Post by Aw4nik »

Hello everyone! I hope I chose the right section to post this thread to. If not I deeply apologize.
My problem with my titan quest char is that is just sucks. I'm at lvl 40 at Styx at Hades and I just die all the time.

I thought it might be because I use wrong skills or I use them in some wrong way. I am aware that I'm a noob, but I would appreciate if you could help me decide what skills should I use, beacuse I deleted all of them and have about 60 skill points to use now.

So at least someone will reply :-D but thank you all anyway :-)
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Post by GawainBS »

Which difficulty are you playing? How have you distributed your stats? 2:1 STR :D EX for a non-spear melee build is the norm.
I'd go with this build: ... -6-6-6-0-0
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Post by Aw4nik »

I'm playing on normal and I my stats are about 2:1 Str:dex
I used the wolves, but they died all the time and I had to make new wolves like every two minutes, + they hardly did any damage.

But thanks I'll try that and I'll try to use different equip. I still use an 94 defense armor, because it gives +1 to all skills. That might help too. So once more, thank you :-)
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Post by GawainBS »

The wolves only come into their own in Legendary and beyond. With Hearth of Oak and the defensive skills from Warfare, you should be able to finish the game. Building up Pierce Resistance helps a lot too.
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Post by Claudius »

Normal Hades is rough on pets. Heart of Oak and healing should make you somewhat robust. Did you try asking for help at You will get answers from the gurus and can download the fanpatch so that your battle standard upper skills actually work! Warfare is a damage dealer. Once you get the hang vanilla TQ is a cakewalk. You just need to hit the learning curve at Soon if you keep playing you will look for mods that make the game more difficult.

I wouldn't use wolves in normal, but 8,8,8 plague is awesome and helps wolves by reducing monsters attack and damage. It also draws agro like crazy and so the wolves don't get attacked. Hades monster in normal scales too powerful. Also wolves need max base skill and max survival (I forget name, second in the assension). Finally healing is also good. Wolves are a big investment but they are good with battle standard particularly if you get the fan patch so battle standard actually works. It's not that hard in vanilla to beat the game with a pure nature so warfare/nature is doable with nature as main and war as support. You can do the opposite and just take HoO and healing and plague and outfit as a warrior.
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