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Newbie question

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Han Jon Theus
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Newbie question

Post by Han Jon Theus »

Hey guys. I am playing IWD II since 2 days in the "insane" mode. I just got a simple question: If a party member dies, is there any possibility to ressurect him by a NPC? I didnt found anyone yet who can do that. So my save games are my best friends till now :)

I am just done with the prolog ...

Thx for your answer.

Greetz from ZH
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Post by Claudius »

You can raise dead and resurrect at certain people. Where are you in the game? You need level 9 cleric to do it yourself.

When you die all the equipment goes to the ground so you have to carry it until you get them raised. Elves can be raised also unlike pen and paper.
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Han Jon Theus
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Post by Han Jon Theus »

Claudius wrote:You can raise dead and resurrect at certain people. Where are you in the game? You need level 9 cleric to do it yourself.

When you die all the equipment goes to the ground so you have to carry it until you get them raised. Elves can be raised also unlike pen and paper.


Thanks for your answer. I just cleaned up the Org Camp and handed back the swort to that NPC-Priest. My party has an avg lvl from 3 atm. Guess it will take more time to get my priest to lvl 9 tho :-)


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Post by LastDanceSaloon »

The Priests in the Temples normally offer a Resurrection or Raise Dead service, extremely expensive though.
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