The version of the game I'm using in this Let's Play is Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, with latest patch ( installed. This means I have access to all four DLCs as well as the Gun Runners' Arsenal and pre-order add-on Courier's Stash. There will be no mods in use, which means no unofficial patches as well.
The Format and Style
The format I'm using to write the story is diary, written by the Courier himself. For the sake of organization I'm going to divide the story to chapters, the length of each chapter being variable. The rate of updating the story in this thread is based on the chapters, each chapter being posted as a whole, no chapter is going to be posted before it has been completed.
While I'm going to use diary format for the story, there will be metagaming as well. This section will be separated from the diary section by using indenting and red text. In these sections I'm usually explaining why I did something, especially if it has relations to later parts of the game. For clarification, here is a short example of this system:
[INDENT=1] [/INDENT]28/10/2281, 20:08
This text is what Courier is writing on the diary. Everything here is IC (In Character).
[INDENT=1]This is example of metagaming. This section contains technical details as well explanations of decisions OOC (Out of Character).[/INDENT]
While I try to stay as accurate to the game as possible, there are situations where I'm going to refer dialogues and actions of NPCs which don't actually exists in the game itself. In such cases I will always use metagaming to tell which things were made by me and didn't actually happen inside the game. This should help those who aren't that familiar with the game to not becoming confused.
I'm also upload pictures to enhance the story. Since it's would require a lot of work, if being possible at all, I'm not going to take a screenshots from everything. I'll try to use as many as I can without slowing down the progress too much. Also, all the pictures will be uploaded to my Photobucket account and linked here.
Finally, this thread WILL contain spoilers. After all, it's impossible to tell the story without revealing the plot of the game. I'm going to use the metagaming sections to spoilers unless it's directly related to events my character is going through at the time. This warning is especially important to those who haven't played the game yet, either the vanilla or any DLC. If you don't want to be spoiled, which will happen if you read the story, then I suggest to play the game first and then come back.
The Character
Few words about the character. While I'm going to explain things in more details during the story, there are certain things that needs to be explained here. First of all, my character is based on one specific guide, which can be located [url='']here[/url]. I did some tweaks to suggestions found in that guide, though the main idea is still the same; to make a character who is able to get more or less every skill to maximum and able to do everything I can think of. Yes, this means I'm practically power gaming.
To compensate the fact that I'm going to power game I'm also going to use the Hardcore mode, which means I have to worry about food, water and sleeping as well. Besides, the Hardcore mode also makes healing much more difficult, it gives certain weightless things a weight and, finally, my companions can die permanently. I have actually never completed the game in this mode, so it's going to be a fresh experience to me as well.
Without revealing my plans too much right now, I could say that my character can be considered as "good" in terms of alignment and behavior. While the decisions will be based on the needs of my character in most parts, I'm going to stick with helpful and good actions as long as it's justified and benefits me in one way or another..
Final Words
This Let's Play will be a long one and may take some time before it's finished. While I have certain major decisions already made in advantage, I'm more than happy to hear suggestions and ideas both for the story and technical sides. Technical styles includes, but is not limited to, style of writing and character development. In fact, any kind of comment or question is appreciated.
Also, since I don't speak English as my native language, there may and will be spelling issues and grammar mistakes. I try to fix those as soon as I find them. My apologizes in advance.
Hopefully I can make this story interesting and entertaining enough!