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Thief 4 game-play released..

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Thief 4 game-play released..

Post by Scottg »


(with a few other youtube's posted on game-play as well.)

Very conflicted.. :confused:

-at once I'm happy that it's continuing through production and that several elements are similar ( the re-incorporation of rope arrow), and yet..

-lot's of stupid things going on with this game:

"Sound is a big part of this game" (quote from game's rep. or "designer").

Well if that's the case then why can you move around without attracting attention? (..which was demonstrated several times.)

In the original two, (the only ones worth playing), you had to consider the terrain you were walking on and your rate of speed to keep noise down, no matter if opponents could see you or not. In fact, if it was bad enough (hard surface like stone cobble - as we are seeing in this demo), you had to use a "moss" arrow to quiet down the surface. (..and you never had many arrows.)

Not here.. "Stealth" seem to be all "inclusive" with a ridiculous peripheral "shadow" telling you if you are in "Stealth-mode" or not. This design is IDIOTIC, and is as bad or worse than Thief 3. (..worse I think, but I don't remember the 3rd game that well.)

How about dropping a massive crate with no one the wiser? :rolleyes:

Then there is the "visual" system for targeting items.

In Thief I & II you had to get extremely close to an object to get an "identifier" highlight to the object. Here it looks more like some magical ability to scope out anything of interest at almost any distance as long as it's in your line of sight.

..and speaking of sight, why is everything so light. Again, in the original 2 darkness was, umm - DARK. Often times you couldn't see much detail at all unless you cheated by "bumping-up" your monitor's brightness setting.

What about the magical "see around corners" effect? The originals *sort* of had this with ball like devices, but it was more limited and was something that required some personal player skill to "operate" (..and again - you rarely had more than a few of these devices). Here it seems to "look this way and click for effect".

Moving around to climb things also seemed to be effortless. Again, the original two - NOT the case (..though in the 3rd one it was). Sometimes it was relatively easy with the originals (particularly if you'd played the game before and had increased your own skill in doing so), but often enough it was an exercise in frustration. Where you tried to climb was exceedingly important - the games didn't just "respond as you command".

Then consider atmosphere..

What I saw in this demo really didn't have any real tension to it, nor did it have that genuinely creepy quality that some parts of all 3 Thief's had. To be fair, none of the previous Thief's had that "creepy" feeling of horror all the time, BUT the first two most certainly had real tension at almost every moment - precisely because it was often *easy* to be spotted by opponents. (..and when they were creepy, I'd have to check my shorts periodically.) :eek: :D

People have often told me before that console games are every bit as hard as the classic PC games. While I've heard of a few games that were genuinely difficult (and made for the console), this game doesn't appear to break the stereotype, but rather reinforces that notion. If this doesn't appear to be "made easy for the masses" then you really need to go back and try the original two for a closer comparison.

Eh.. I think I'm bumming myself out here :( (..and there is a distinct desire to drop that suspended crate on their rep.). :eek:
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Post by Tricky »

I stopped the video after I noticed that they had dropped the original voice actor for Garret. That told me enough about how far they are willing to go to revamp this franchise. Another god damned teen console game, yes we were all waiting for that! I can't believe that's where that beautiful '90s game ended up.

Man, f*** Eidos, we don't need them. They've done nothing but mess up good, memorable IPs. Worst of all though, I feel sorry for all the former TTLG employees out there. Must be hard to watch all this happen. :(
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Post by Scottg »

Tricky wrote:I stopped the video after I noticed that they had dropped the original voice actor for Garret.

Yeah, I noticed that immediately as well.. but it's not really a functional part of the game so I can let it slide - even if it is distinctly irritating. :mad:

How about those "electric" lights.. If you've got those then why have the torches on the same building? :rolleyes: ..*idiots*. :( (..and choosing a "white" light - kills the atmosphere.. IF they are going to be added then they should have been dull orange and "buzzing" with an inconsistent intensity that would allow a "semi-pulsing" shadow radius that could be used for better stealth travel when the "power" was lower. Definitely a missed opportunity with the lighting effects we have now compared to the late '90s)
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Post by Tricky »

I'm pretty sure Thief 2 and 3 had static, electric light. 3 has no excuse, it was all going to be about how important and interactive the light was going to be in that game. Well I've played thief 3 on the hardest difficulty and it hardly mattered.
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Post by Claudius »

Is thief more about sneaking up to guards and slitting their throats? :eek: Or do you sneak in and get the documents or 'treasure' and sneak out?
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Post by Scottg »

Claudius wrote:Is thief more about sneaking up to guards and slitting their throats? :eek: Or do you sneak in and get the documents or 'treasure' and sneak out?

The original 2..

While you can kill guards, it's generally not recommended. (..and several "jobs" required you not to or you'd fail the mission.)

Occasionally you need to knock-out guards with Garret's Blackjack, and then drag away their unconscious body so it's not seen.

To do that you have to sneak up right behind them, without making anymore noise than they are making, and then "pop" them in the back of the head while no one else is looking - and only then dragging them off to pathway that isn't patrolled (or some dark corner or unoccupied room). Sometimes it's relatively easy, sometimes it's rather difficult to achieve (..particularly when there are multiple guards near each other). Also, if you don't hit them in just the right spot with enough force then they turn around and kill you. ;)

Often however it's about getting in without touching anyone - either for an item or to view a document or to commit sabotage. On many occasions you'll need to pick-pocket keys or other personal items (including moving targets), and even using lock-picks (..which are time sensitive in relation to being seen).
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Post by Scottg »

Tricky wrote:I'm pretty sure Thief 2 and 3 had static, electric light. 3 has no excuse, it was all going to be about how important and interactive the light was going to be in that game. Well I've played thief 3 on the hardest difficulty and it hardly mattered.

Yup, I remember the electrical lighting in both.

I don't think I ever finished Thief 3.. The only thing memorable was the weird sequence where you were back in time in the sanitarium. THAT was creepy, but it really didn't have much to do with being a Thief IMO. There were so many things wrong with that game when compared to the first two that it just wasn't worth the time. :( (..I think that was Eidos as well.)
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Post by Tricky »

I finished it recently actually, after not having played it for something like six years or more. And true, I haven't really come across any creepier level in any game. That level was exceptionally well done, compared to the rest of the game. Stuff like the Ocean House from Vtm:Bloodlines that people always go on about just doesn't compare to that.

Edit: I probably shouldn't call those things 'levels'. It's a little 8-bit.
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url=""]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
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