Irenicus' Dungeon Level 1
Nad declines to talk to Aataqah, sneaks past the duergar and kills the mephits in the laboratory with backstabs. He then sneaks past the second lot of duergar to free Rielev from his torment and, more importantly, collect the golem activation stone.
Sneaking back to the sewage golem room, he backstabs the radiant mephit and levels up to Thief 9. Good job too as he previously couldn't identify potions of extra healing, but now he can

. He tells the golem to open the doors, collects the excellent long sword amidst the other loot, and sneaks past the duergar again all the way back to the room with weapons and armour next to the starting position. He sneaks up the corridor, backstabs the smoke mephit, and then it's the Otyugh's turn.
Unfortunately Nad cannot identify oils of speed yet, and it's bad form to use items you cannot identify, so the library is rather out of the question.
Nad uses Horror to help against the duergar in the eastern corridor and swiftly dispatches them. He loots Irenicus' bedroom (not that there's much to loot with no Helm of Balduran or Amulet of Metaspell Influence

) and declines to help the dryads. He loots the mistress' bedroom and it is high time to sneak out of level 1.
"See you; wouldn't wanna be you!"
Irenicus' Dungeon Level 2
Nad declines Yoshimo's offer to join and sneaks into the portal room.
The plan here was to sneak to the far side of the room and take out the last mephit portal first. Why? Because the last portal controls the radiant mephit, and that one's a bugger if it casts colour spray. If Nad gets knocked out by the spray, it'll be game over already.
And of course, what does Nad do? He critically misses the portal with his first attack. Frantically he keeps attacking to take the portal out asap, but it is too late. The mephit casts colour spray just as he finishes off the portal...
Phew! Made his save. It was probably game over if he didn't.
Nad takes out the rest of the portals and levels up again to Thief 10! He can now identify oils of speed. But inventory is already proving a problem, and Nad has to dump level 1 scrolls as well as the unidentified cursed scroll (it's actually worth 90gp once identified, so usually worth hanging on to if you have the inventory room).
The next challenge is the clone and initially Nad does well, hitting with his first 3 strikes while saving against Glitterdust. The clone is near death but then unfortunately she casts a sequencer of Mirror Image and Invisibility. At this stage there is nothing Nad can do against that. The clone drinks two healing potions while invisible and Nad has to stand there waiting for her to cast an offensive spell to dispel her invisibility. And she chooses...Horror

. Frantically Nad tries to run out of the room, but the spell catches him before he's out. Again he saves though

Nad leaves the clone to it so her images can expire and heads up the next corridor to deal with the mephit (meanwhile the clone starts summoning monsters, but next to herself. They too will be unsummoned by the time Nad gets back to her).
Backstabbing is sooo much fun

Back to the clone.
Nad sneaks past the other mephit and duergar in the corridor, and collects the wands while stealthed (he drops most of them as they won't be of much use). He backstabs the duergar in the main chamber and then heads for the eaternmost corridor first. He sneaks past the first group of duergar...the mage is the threat here! Don't want to be held or panicked or whatnot. He backstabs the mage and then has to deal with the rest.
This fight is brutal. The duergar are no great shakes but there are 7 of them and Nad's AC of 3 is not much defence against their blows. Constantly rolling 1s, 2s and 3s when attacking doesn't help either. Nad eventually kills them all but he has to drink several potions of extra healing. In hindsight that fight probably wasn't worth the risk and the use of precious healing potions, but Nad wanted the girdle...(even though he can't identify that or the Ring of Protection yet

Nad then heads to Frennedan's room, fights him and loots the chambers. He's now having to leave behind second level scrolls too and he uses the scroll of protection from electricity and potion of master thievery (even though he doesn't need either) rather than leave them behind.
Nad uses the potion of firebreath against the assassins near the exit but unfortunately can only take 1 potion of invisibility from their corpses. That's a shame, Nad needs as many invisibility pots as he can possibly get his hands on.
And there we are. At Day 0, Hour 3, Nad is ready to leave Irenicus' Dungeon with this pack stuffed to bursting and with 182,723XP as a Thief.