I enchanted a ring with a Brilliant essence, and i got Improved Save vs Fire + 6, for example.
Now, how is this compare to Resistens: Fire 10/- ? Witch one are most usefull?
Also, where do i see the Caster Level? Atm it seems i cant use those Pristine Essences, only the lower ones.
Improved Save X vs Resistance X 15/- ?
Improved Save X vs Resistance X 15/- ?
"Khalid was good in bed, even if he was hung like my pinky... I'm sure you'll be much better, though. Is not that right? I know I'm right"
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
Thieves-guild.net has the best crafting guides for the campaigns, but unfortunately their website currently is only displaying their front page.
Here is a rather primitive guide (but at least it's available):
http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=NW ... ail&id=120
Note CL indicates CHARACTER LEVEL of the character performing the enchanting. So if you are using Sayfia and you want to use a recipe with a pristine essence then she needs to be level 24 or higher.
Resistance simply removes the first "10" of damage from that type of damage.
I believe the "Save" variety relates to effects (spells, traps, etc.) and their save structure - which is usually a Reflex save.
So best guess is that it improves you Reflex saves for that particular damage-type.
Ex. Fireball cast for 10d6 damage at your character for average damage of 30 Fire.
1st Reflex save calculation to see if fireball hits your character:
Difficulty class of caster:
your character's d20 roll + characters base reflex save + your character's Dexterity modifier + any additional save modifier (like the +6 from the ring). Factor-in if your character has Evasion or Improved Evasion.
Assuming your character has neither Evasion or Improved Evasion but makes the save then the result is half-damage (based on the spell's description). So if average damage is 30 then you'll net 15 in Fire damage.
IF you have 10 Fire resistance then that (15) Fire damage would only be 5.
Say your character failed the Reflex save (which is always possible if you roll a "1", no matter how high your saves are) without Improved Evasion, then the damage is 30.
IF you have 10 Fire resistance then that (30) Fire damage would only be 20.
Which is better?
Depends on the build overall, but usually the resistance.
As a high level character Reflex saves are often fairly easy to make, but even if you succeed you are still taking half-damage (without Evasion/Improved Evasion). That +10 Fire Resistance will lower that half-damage (and of course will lower full-damage as well, it's just that the percentage difference won't be as good).
Here is a rather primitive guide (but at least it's available):
http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=NW ... ail&id=120
Note CL indicates CHARACTER LEVEL of the character performing the enchanting. So if you are using Sayfia and you want to use a recipe with a pristine essence then she needs to be level 24 or higher.
Resistance simply removes the first "10" of damage from that type of damage.
I believe the "Save" variety relates to effects (spells, traps, etc.) and their save structure - which is usually a Reflex save.
So best guess is that it improves you Reflex saves for that particular damage-type.
Ex. Fireball cast for 10d6 damage at your character for average damage of 30 Fire.
1st Reflex save calculation to see if fireball hits your character:
Difficulty class of caster:
your character's d20 roll + characters base reflex save + your character's Dexterity modifier + any additional save modifier (like the +6 from the ring). Factor-in if your character has Evasion or Improved Evasion.
Assuming your character has neither Evasion or Improved Evasion but makes the save then the result is half-damage (based on the spell's description). So if average damage is 30 then you'll net 15 in Fire damage.
IF you have 10 Fire resistance then that (15) Fire damage would only be 5.
Say your character failed the Reflex save (which is always possible if you roll a "1", no matter how high your saves are) without Improved Evasion, then the damage is 30.
IF you have 10 Fire resistance then that (30) Fire damage would only be 20.
Which is better?
Depends on the build overall, but usually the resistance.
As a high level character Reflex saves are often fairly easy to make, but even if you succeed you are still taking half-damage (without Evasion/Improved Evasion). That +10 Fire Resistance will lower that half-damage (and of course will lower full-damage as well, it's just that the percentage difference won't be as good).
Ok great!
I was thinking somthing simlilar.
Now, there is one type of essence that gives different skillpoint, like INT, WIS, STR etc for different items. I think it is the Power essence. But why are there no spell in the recipes for power essenses?
Thanks for help!
Edit: Ah okej, the feat Mold Spirit
I was thinking somthing simlilar.
Now, there is one type of essence that gives different skillpoint, like INT, WIS, STR etc for different items. I think it is the Power essence. But why are there no spell in the recipes for power essenses?
Thanks for help!
Edit: Ah okej, the feat Mold Spirit
"Khalid was good in bed, even if he was hung like my pinky... I'm sure you'll be much better, though. Is not that right? I know I'm right"
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
Attribute increases depend on the item enchanted. Necklace/Amulet, Helmet, Belt, etc..
-look through the listing on that link I provided.
(..some are based on Spirit Essence, and others require normal essences - Power, Air, Fire, etc..)
I believe that list is all inclusive - i.e. there are NO more recipes than those listed.
Spirit essences are a by-product of feeding your hunger in the manner I've previously mentioned (..as a killing-"blow"), and are dependent on the opponent (usually tougher opponents with strong "spirits"). The normal essences are just "drops" from any kill (though certain opponents have a certain type of essence). You should have gotten a lot of Water, Air, and Power essences from your 2nd fight against Okku (from all of his support that was killed-off); contrast this with kills in the Deathgod's vault which are heavy on Fire and Power. Some of the stronger opponents in the Deathgod's vault will provide Spirit Essence on a Eternal Rest feat use-"kill".
Spirit essences don't require spells because they are different - "keyed" to your character as a Spirit Eater rather than a spell-caster per se. Instead of a spell and a crafting feat it requires a Spirit Eater feat, specifically either: Mold Spirit or Malleate Spirit. Malleate Spirit is much further into the game before you can obtain it (Academy Class Room map), so that acts as a limit on any enchantment that uses that feat. Mold Spirit on the other hand can be acquired almost immediately after dealing with Okku the 2nd time (#3):
http://www.gamebanshee.com/neverwintern ... acttwo.php
-look through the listing on that link I provided.
(..some are based on Spirit Essence, and others require normal essences - Power, Air, Fire, etc..)
I believe that list is all inclusive - i.e. there are NO more recipes than those listed.
Spirit essences are a by-product of feeding your hunger in the manner I've previously mentioned (..as a killing-"blow"), and are dependent on the opponent (usually tougher opponents with strong "spirits"). The normal essences are just "drops" from any kill (though certain opponents have a certain type of essence). You should have gotten a lot of Water, Air, and Power essences from your 2nd fight against Okku (from all of his support that was killed-off); contrast this with kills in the Deathgod's vault which are heavy on Fire and Power. Some of the stronger opponents in the Deathgod's vault will provide Spirit Essence on a Eternal Rest feat use-"kill".
Spirit essences don't require spells because they are different - "keyed" to your character as a Spirit Eater rather than a spell-caster per se. Instead of a spell and a crafting feat it requires a Spirit Eater feat, specifically either: Mold Spirit or Malleate Spirit. Malleate Spirit is much further into the game before you can obtain it (Academy Class Room map), so that acts as a limit on any enchantment that uses that feat. Mold Spirit on the other hand can be acquired almost immediately after dealing with Okku the 2nd time (#3):
http://www.gamebanshee.com/neverwintern ... acttwo.php
I tought Safiya got this feat, but no. Either Do i, as i can see. Ingame, the feats name literly is "mold spirit"? Or similiar.. I cant see anyone in party have it.
On a bus atm, later
Edit: "To obtain this feat, you must try to re-power the Golem in the Theatre of the Veil in Shadow Mulsantir ([url='http://nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/MotB']MotB[/url]official campaign)."
Ah okej, i got it
On a bus atm, later
Edit: "To obtain this feat, you must try to re-power the Golem in the Theatre of the Veil in Shadow Mulsantir ([url='http://nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/MotB']MotB[/url]official campaign)."
Ah okej, i got it
"Khalid was good in bed, even if he was hung like my pinky... I'm sure you'll be much better, though. Is not that right? I know I'm right"
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
Jaheira wrote:
Edit: "To obtain this feat, you must try to re-power the Golem in the Theatre of the Veil in Shadow Mulsantir ([url='http://nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/MotB']MotB[/url]official campaign)."
Ah okej, i got it
Yes Jaheira.
Use some of that Wisdom to gain more Wisdom.
Do not just plow-through with your spear and a smile - that's what males do.
Nooow i understand the whole darn thing... To have written "rs Ka_se_terminate" weeks ago, without any knowledge about spirit-thingy yet, was NOT a good idea..
Now all feats and Everything showed up. It pays to be a cheater :/
Scottg Hope u now understand my crazy queastions now
Now all feats and Everything showed up. It pays to be a cheater :/
Scottg Hope u now understand my crazy queastions now
"Khalid was good in bed, even if he was hung like my pinky... I'm sure you'll be much better, though. Is not that right? I know I'm right"
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
- Jaheira (Quote from Baldur's Gate 2™)
Jaheira wrote:Nooow i understand the whole darn thing... To have written "rs Ka_se_terminate" weeks ago, without any knowledge about spirit-thingy yet, was NOT a good idea..
Now all feats and Everything showed up. It pays to be a cheater :/
Scottg Hope u now understand my crazy queastions now
Yes, mod.s, over-rides, console-cheats, etc.. are potentially for later (once you've gotten into the game and actually determined if you want to change it or not). Only the official updates/patches should be installed from the start.
As it turns-out I played MOTB many times before ever modifying it. That came later with Kaedrins PRC (..which for me still has some problems relating to Race and at least the OC's chapter progression).
I "screwed" myself on Oblivion this way. Downloaded all the "best" mod.s, installed, etc.. and of course the result was so many conflicts that the game was un-playable.