For instance it is assumed that most gamers are male. Is this correct or should this be more of an equal playing field?
I will post more gender preconceptions as they come to my damaged psyche
I think we will still see a great proportion of guys trying to pick up girls, men expecting the women to stay as maidens while they go off and obtain some such treasure for the beatiful maiden. I don't think that will ever changeOriginally posted by VoodooDali:
<STRONG>MMORPG's are the wave of the future, I guess, and it will be interesting to see how much people take advantage of all that role-playing has to offer, and what they learn from it.</STRONG>
Hopefully she wont take up some of Ozzys more interesting habits<STRONG>
Another thing this brings to mind, is that when I tell people my age and older that I'm really into gaming, I often get reactions of disgust! They think I'm wasting my life. I think that games are the new art form. Just as film was not taken seriously in its infancy, games are not taken seriously now--but I believe that will change. I got into a heated argument with a friend of my husband's who knew nothing about gaming, and said he wouldn't let his daughter play games, he thought they were corrupting, too violent, etc. I told him he was turning into a reactionary old fart--would he say the same about music?--forbid her to listen to old Black Sabbath records and such? She'll probably turn into a gamer!</STRONG>
Honestly, I don't see age having anything to do with appreciating games. As modern technology develops itself at an increasing rate, the games we play arent just for "sheer entertainment." They make you THINK and be analytical.Originally posted by VoodooDali:
I seem to one of (I suspect) many out there who don't fit the core gamer type--female, late 30's...
Another thing this brings to mind, is that when I tell people my age and older that I'm really into gaming, I often get reactions of disgust! They think I'm wasting my life. I think that games are the new art form. Just as film was not taken seriously in its infancy, games are not taken seriously now--but I believe that will change. I got into a heated argument with a friend of my husband's who knew nothing about gaming, and said he wouldn't let his daughter play games, he thought they were corrupting, too violent, etc. I told him he was turning into a reactionary old fart--would he say the same about music?--forbid her to listen to old Black Sabbath records and such? She'll probably turn into a gamer!</STRONG>
That is exactly what i mean by pre-conceptions, that a man would be more adept due to such and such study, however doesn't one adapt past those behavioural normailities?Originally posted by Maharlika:
<STRONG>My point is, such behavior normally found among males may be a reason why most people who play our kind of games are males.
Correct me if I'm wrong fellas.</STRONG>
Funny. I'm the one in my family who sees color combination possibilities, shapes superimposed upon an empty room, the way several items can subtly reinforce the image of a central piece of furniture or a painting, etc. My wife asks about the plumbing, the siding, the insulation, etc, when we look at a new house. She also replaced a wall in her old house, before I ever knew her, doing all the work herself.Originally posted by Maharlika:
<STRONG>I'm not an expert in psychology but I do remember reading somewhere the difference between the sexes when it comes to perspective.
e.g., given a (floor)plan of their future house, the husband would immediately see the posts, the pipes, the wirings, etc. while the wife would figure out the best panelling, the perfect curtains for each room, etc. </STRONG>