Maybe gender stereotyping is too strong a word. But whether we like it or not, there ARE distinct differences between the sexes --- and I'm not referring to physiological and morphological diffs, although these would play significant roles.Originally posted by Dottie:
<STRONG>I realy HATE gender stereotypes, why cant people be just people and allowed to create thier own identity?
Generalizations like "womans mind works diferently then males" and such does only serve to destroy individuality, and when any generalization is applied to a certain individual it becomes discriminating.</STRONG>
Nature has given each gender a "template" behaviour alloted to its members in order to assume a specific role. In earlier times, why is it that men do the hunting and the women do the cooking/housekeeping?
In time our behaviors are somewhat modified because as Fable mentioned, culture and environment play profound roles here.
I would also like to include technology since at this day and age, there are a lot of things that women can do what men do (sometimes better) and vice versa (sometimes better too).
But still the template is still there...
...though I cant figure out while the lionesses do all the dirty work for the pride while the male lion just sits there like a king.
But then again they are lions not humans.