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Roleplaying In Atkathla

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Post by Aegis »

Back in the Rift, Aegis sifted through endless volumes of books about magic, and it's history. He was still trying to get used this new information given to him by Magus. Around him lay a pile of books he had glanced at, and some that were of no use to him. Tag was lying on the floor near the door, half asleep, but aware of his master was doing.

Aegis continued to wonder why, if he had such great power, none of it had ever surfaced before? Surely, at some point, the power would've escaped, and Cowled Wizards would've shown up to apprhend him! Unless, of course what Magus told him was true. As he continued to sift through the books, looking for none imparticular, He suddenly felt the cold gaze of Void behind him...

Void: The Master will not appreciate what you have done to his study, Cavalier

Aegis felt the hair on the back his neck rise as he slowly turned to meet the Hakeashars gaze.

Aegis: Your Master has informed me of troubleing news, I'm sure he won't mind if I research it.

Void: Yes, your magical potential. Such a pity you never harnessed it. You could've made a powerful Wizard. Instead you put your faith in weapons of steel...

Aegis: Their is something to be said about tangibility in defense. Unlike your bloody existence, my enemies are given fair quater in combat.

The Hakeashar almost appears to grin at Aegis's comment, taking some perverse enjoyment out of the Paladins confused state

Aegis: Leave me in piece... I wish to continue my business, without you unholy gaze upon me.

Aegis turned his back to Void, and continued to search through the books. Void slowly dematerialized, and left Aegis in the study with Tag. Aegis felt a small tingling inside of him. A feeling he had never experianced before. He felt his body turning, though not willingly. It was if he no longer controled motor functions. Void had possesed him.

Aegis felt his arms lift, and a strange voice fill his head. His hands then traced ancient, arcane symbols in the air, as he heard his own voice chant an incantation in the art of magic. Aegis felt vulnerable in this state. Suddenly, a bright flash appeared. As his eyes readjusted, he saw the form of another person in the room. He carefully inspected the newcomer, only to realize it was himself! The form remained for only a breif few seconds, then dissappeared into nothingness.

Aegis then heard another voice in his head. It was Void.

Void: That, Paladin, is what your capable of. That was just a small portion of the power you could have. If one of my power could tap that much from you, one such as my Master could grant you unlimited power. Very likely close to his own. Think about...

Aegis then felt empty inside as he felt Void leave. Again, he was alone in the study. Alone, and freightend...

(Damn, writers cramp. Ow! OWW! Anyway, I'm still debateing how I'll go in this one. He has a long way to go still though)

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Post by fallout »

@magus i can be nomadic but dont forget that i can be leader of my tribe in future. Maybe Rail help me with some assasion. Image Barbarian army will be ready for Ubiks undeads.

Before Leaving Thiefs :
Fallout" Aran you must check your tranings from begining. Past years some of your thieves try to backstup me. I hope you can use them as beggars with their missing organs. Next time i wont show mercy.

With this sudden remark Aran frown a second but recover easly. " We are working for it" said with a harsh voice. I must speed up to find a way to backstab barbarians he thinks.

Chakotay: Hmm...a bat'telh with Hirogen blood on it, stuck in a tree. What do you think it means?
Seven: The Klingons have declared war on Hirogen trees?
Chakotay: Think harder

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Post by Rail »

@fallout- I'd even give you a discount! Though Barbarians are dificult to assassinate. Poison still works, though, even though backstabbing doesn't.
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by fallout »

@thanks Rail. I am sure we can make a deal. Have good vacation.
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Post by Rail »

Heh, heh! And we're the goody side? Image
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by Waverly »

Waverly is well on his way back to Atkathla and is thinking about his conversation with the merchant mage. Flashback:

Merchant mage: "The symbols yes…These four are the four primary elements. See how similar they are, though. The people who wrote this work believed that one could be turned into another, air to fire…earth to water. And this symbol in the center? It is death, but not quite…It is seems to be formed incorrectly. It may mean undeath, defying death, I cannot say. That is all I can tell, but the book that this page came from may be most important. It is something some would kill for."
Waverly: <touching the mages temple with his outstretched hand>"I will keep my word, old one, and you may live. You will also forget. Purge your memory of what you have seen, bury it deep. Should you ever try to recover this memory…"<Waverly grabs the man's hands in one violent motion- casting burning hands, he sears them painfully>
Waverly (quietly to the mage who is now nearly catatonic): "The memory is gone, do not try…"<at that the man winces as if his hands were burned anew>
Waverly (paging though scrolls): "This is what I need. And your horse. Farewell"

Steadying his mount, Waverly's thoughts return to the present. "Now the time should be ripe!" Waverly slows his horse and a simulcrum takes shape on the beaten path. Waverly nods to the spectre and rides on, but much more slowly. As the dark rider following him approaches the spot, the spectre steps forward and reads from a scroll.

The thief, warded against powerful magic for this dangerous mission is not the target: the horse freezes into a granite statue in mid-stride, sending the rider flying. Dazed, and nearly unconscious, the rider looks up to see Waverly bearing down with his horse. Buffeted by the hooves, the thief rolls into a ball and waits for death. But as the thief's cloak is torn off, Waverly is struck as if by a blow at what he sees. The auburn hair of the beatiful female thief sends his memory reeling. Unable to finish the kill, he slumps in his saddle, visions of Midia filling his head. After a time, he fights to regain control of his emotions. He eyes the thief as she rises to her knees. No, it is not she, but he finds he can do her no more harm. He mutters some feeble words of enchantment and the injured, confused woman falls silently asleep. Waverly drops a few meager supplies to the ground, and with great effort restarts his journey.

He arrives in the sphere quite tired, and is most unprepared for the blow to the ribs he receives from Gruntboy as he enters. "So tell me what you learned, my joking sorcerer."

@Ubik sorry, couldn't help but go on a short adventure. Shouldn't change your plans- Waverly present and reporting for duty Image

roaster of inquisitve paladins

[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 01-29-2001).]
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Post by Weasel »

(This is KidD01's past)

Chapter 1. On The Run

Magus eyes searches wildly on the ground looking for blood traces, his heart beats so fast that he can almost heart it all over the place. “Damn !” he snarls as he turned to the others “Any luck ?” The others give him a disappointing look, as he sat himself below a willow tree. “He’s just too sneaky, ain’t he ah matey ?” A dwarf sat beside him trying to comfort him. “Curses ! If we can’t get him now I don’t think we gonna have this opportunity again……” Magus stare to the starry sky try to diminish his frustation “Fear not, as Gorions ward will never past 4 moon………” an elven archer walk to him staggering with her wounds. As she try to sit herself beside Magus “My arrows were specially made with poison for this occasion……..”. “Aye……now that sounds good to me. After some of our laddy sacrifices and that bloody battle, we all can cheer that another baddy’s gone. He sure is one tough baddy” The dwarf puffing out smoke from his pipe. “I don’t know about that comrades…his fate is way beyond our measures, his destiny as Bhaal child still unfold……………” Magus looks emptily to the sky

KidD uses all his might to get as far as he could. The wounds he suffers feels twice than the wound he suffers when he defeats Sarevok. Lucky that the experience being chased by Sarevok men give him some valuable lesson in this moonless night. But something is not right……… as he sweat more and more he feels the his eye sight become blur. Yet he still move on, till……….all is dark. The last thing he remember is two shadows stand in front of him calling his name.

Chapter 2. Unexpected Encounter

“I still don’t get it…why you stop from chasing that thief, J !” Imoen look as confused as she ever has “That thief stole your ring from Khalid and not to mention your purse !”. “You always quite a hot head, Young One. And i think I’ve told you dozen of times not to call me J !” Jaheira walks as fast as she could thru the crowd of the Promenade “Besides we got all our supplies, and that ring is just a ring now………….Come we must hurry to get out this town. You know I’m not quite fond to stay long here.”
“Yeah, yeah I know ! you always never like the town and prefer to camp outside town. Is that your druid nature ? hey Slow down a bit will ya ?” Imoen try to catch her breath “Hmmmmm…….that ring is just a ring ? I wonder what you’ve done if that locket is the one being stolen by that thief !”. Jaheira stopped suddenly, she gently reach to her neck for a locket…… locket gave to her by KidD some time ago. “Hah ! Gotcha didn’t I ???” Imoen stands before her now looking with her glowing eyes. “I know, I know, it’s just odd how my brother turn bad and then got mixed with Viconia. What he looks on that dark skin anyway ?”she then stood there and acting like a preacher. “Hush ! Come we must quickly, the sun already set.” Jaheira turns her face and start to stride as fast as she could. “Oh well, that’s what’s wrong with you. You always like that, even when my brother try to show some feelings toward you” Imoen runs to follow her as she could, “Could you just be quiet for a minute ?” Jaheira turn to Imoen and staring to her. “uhmmmm…..allright, allright” Imoen try to look into the other way escaping Jaheira eyes.

Imoen : “J, can we camp here now ? My feet is aching, besides I think we are far enough from the city now”
Jaheira just keep silent and continue walking……….
Imoen : J ! C’mon, please ?? UGH ! AWWWW ! What now ? Why you suddenly stop ?
Jaheiras body trembling all over, as Imoen still rubbing her nose “J ! It’s lucky you didn’t broke my nose ……….what is it ?……HUH !!!!!!!!”
In front of Jaheira lies a body with blood all over…..
“This fellow is badly injured, who could done such a thing ? Let’s see if we can help him” Jaheira reach down try to turn the body, as she does so she can see the man is still breathing heavily.
“It’s KidD………my brother ! What happen to you ??? KidD ! Can you hear me ? ” Imoen shocked as she sees the man face.
“Silence Imoen, come we must take him to somewhere safe” Jaheira sign Imoen to lent her a hand.

Chapter 3. Dreams

“Wake up child…..” a calm voice KidD recognise very well echoing thru his ears. As he open his eyes he can see his foster father face, Gorion.
KidD : Father ?? Where am I ? Am I dead yet ?
Gorion : No my child, you have not. Your journey is still long.
KidD : But…….
Gorion : Calm my child, you have been thru a lot. I can see you gone thru some unpleasant things………
Sarevok : Move away, old man ! He’s not yours anymore ! he and I are one now ! We are Bhaal spawn and we will live after his legacy !
KidD : Sarevok ?? No ! It’s not real !
Sarevok : Ignorant fool ! Do you think you can get rid of me that easy ?
KidD : Father what have I done ?
Gorion : You have accidentally merge with Sarevok when you try to defeat Irenicus in the Spellhold. Don’t you remember ?
KidD : But how ???
Sarevok : Fool you choose to have Bhaal powers and now i will be part of you ! Now go away old man !
Sarevok give a fatal blow to Gorion as he speaks…….
Gorion : KidD, my child remember what I always taught you……………….what your friends used to be…………..remember what’s the greatest power is………… (Gorion falls down and his body start to fade)
KidD : Father !!!!! Nooooo…………I…..I…….
Sarevok : Get up my brother ! Let us spread the fear again in the name of our true father, Bhaal !
KidD : Ughhh……Gnnn……No ! I remember now ! So when I agree to have Bhaal powers and used you sword to beat Irenicus, you get inside of me ! You evil ! I…..I……I can’t go this path anymore ! I’m not a beast like you ! I have choose my path and I shall live by it !
Sarevok : Yesss ! Live by the destiny of the Bhaal spawn ! That’s your true destiny !
KidD : No ! I have made my choice long time ago and I will stay on that path !
Sarevok : Huahahaha ! Can you ? Everyone knows you as evil one ! A Bhaal spawn !
KidD : You devil ! You made me that way ! I’m not gonna live that way again, never ! As father said there’s way for redemption ! it’s time that you’re gone for good !
KidD start to attack Sarevok, they fought fiercely as they have done before. Till KidD feels some unusual thing on his body. Last thing he remember is Sarevok screaming in agony saying “No it can’t be you can still transfor into slayer by denying your destiny ! AARGH !”. (KidD gain his abilty Salyer transform and still kept his alignment Lawful Good by defeating Sarevok)

Chapter 4. Heroes Path

“Master, has he awaken yet ?” Jaheira look from the door, you can tell her concern toward the man lying on the bed is written all over her face. The old man, Elminster turns to her and shook his head “Patience child, it’s been 7 days since he passed out. It’s fortunate that I can neutralize the poison. The rest it’s up to him”. Elminster walks toward Jaheira and sign her to leave the room too.

Night falls, as Jaheira still praying to Silvanus for the safety of KidD. Imoen just stood there motionless don’t know what to do, finally she walks away.
“Hmmmmhh, brother oh brother…you always being strong. So strong that I myself can’t even see what is into you. Hmph………open your eyes will you ! Can’t you feel that we all here for you ???? You ! Hmph….C’mon open your eyes ! Please ???” Imoen sits by the bed looking into her half brother face. “hey ! C’mon you lazy fellow ! Time to continue our journey ! Wak…………Jaheira ! Come ! Come here !” she rushes out the room like seeing a ghost. Jaheira looks to her irritated as her prayer being disrupted, “What now ? can’t you see i……..why you dragging me, you ……..!!!”
As Jaheira stood motionlessly at the bedroom door she sees KidD already open his eyes, and the eyes is glowing as she first saw KidD even though it’s not quite bright but she knows that the old KidD is back again not the one who left Imoen and her after that faithful battle on Spellhold.

Elminster sit calmly, KidD can feel the wise old man wisdom thru his nerves. “So child of Bhaal you finally come to your senses…….it’s been 3 days since you awaken. It’s truly remarkable that you recover so soon. I guess your lineage must have something to do with it.”
KidD nods “I thank you for your help, Ancient One. Even after the wrong path I have taken, I still can get second chance to correct my sins”
Elminster : Good to hear it, so I guess it’s time for your test whether you entitled to become a true Cavalier or still a Fallen Paladin……
KidD : A test ?
Elminster : There’s a cave around half day walk from here, there you can find a gold dragon. It appetite for human flesh is beyond any evil you can imagine. Slay that dragon and bring me its scale to proof you have done the task.
KidD : I shall be on my way then.
Jaheira and Imoen : We’ll go too !
KidD : No my friends, it’s my destiny and I shall face this alone.

Next morning, KidD walks into the house empty handed. Jaheira and Imoen look concern as Elminster calmy greet him, “Have you done the task, child ?”
KidD : Yes, Ancient One
Elminster : Then why don’t you have the golden dragon scales ?
KidD : I have encounter the dragon and She said She never done those evil deed. And to verify it, I also use my detect evil spell and I sense no evil with Her.
Elminster smiles : Congratulation child, you are in the right path again. You have distinguish yourself being a noble Cavalier. Now you must go to Order of Radiant Heart, to follow your path of Paladin.
KidD : Thank you, Ancient One

KidD walks out the hut as soon as Elminster finished give him all necessary guidance, after half day walk he hear a familiar sound calling for him.
Imoen : KidD ! You ungrateful weasel ! You plan to leave us again ? No wayyyy Sirrrr No Way ! besides what J will do here without you ! (Imoen smiles naughtily)
Jaheira : Imoen ! You………..!
KidD : I don’t want to bring more trouble upon you, I don’t know what my dark side have caused so…..
Imoen : Hey ! You’re my brother and I’ll stick my neck for you ! You always know that !
Jaheira : Yes, KidD. We’ll help you as we have done before in the past. Besides your foster father, Gorion ask me to…….
Imoen : Gorion huh ? Not your……..
KidD : Ahhhhhhh allright that’s enough Imoen ! Come we must get to Order of Radiant Heart hastely.

(Not to long this time)
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by Seabass »

*In a seemless endless cell, seabass and serevon are cpatured in infinity as they try to solve the riddle that have been placed infront of them - after many hours of work"

"F-A-R-E-G-O-O-N...Faregoon? what the hell is that? What does it mean?"

"I don't know , but thats the password, thats what I get when finishing the puzzle, Faregoon.... I dont know what it is"

"Could it be the one doing this to us? whatever this word means, it must have some significance."

"Indeed that is correct serevon, but what does he want us to do with the word, there is nowhere for us to put in our answer, we want to answer the riddle dammit"

A voice sounds inside of Seabass head "what is your answer" it commands in a simple, broing voice. Seabass utters the word Faregoon, and as he is about to finish a large teleport field appears around them. Before they know it they are located somewhere else, where they do not know, but it seems more humble. Suddenly a man appears beside them.

"sorry, had to make sure it was the same seabass I've herd about. You know you're famous from where I come from, however, you've made quite a name of yourselves all through the realms so your fame is nothing surprising I guess. You must wonder who I am, I am representative of The Wizards. Why njo designation you ask, whya rent we cowled? why arent we red? We are the originators my friend, we work beyond these simple groups, we are the order. We work in scilence, not many even know of our existance, but surely you, a man with such intelligence and experience, must of herd of us. You have been led here, not to get information about Ubiks plans, his contact is still waiting for you, if he hasnt already given up. The reason that we brought you here is that we have studied you for years years, we know much about you, and we would like for you to join us. "

Seabass and Serevon follows the man as he walk forward in the very luxuriously decorated room. He stops by a curtain and grabs the textile with his hands, with an extravagant movement he tosses the fabric aside and reveals a fantastic view of Athkatla.

"We own this city, we control it, this is ours"

He shifts his head slightly to the right and gazes over the government buildings, the temples and eveything else the view has to offer

"Rule it with us friends, we are getting old, we need new blood to take over when we leave, you my friend, are of the right material. You will succeed. What do you say?"

"Im , Im speechless.....

(to be continued)
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Post by Magus »

@All: Sorry I've missed a day. I was toiling all day yesterday at homework. In fact, I've yet more toiling to do, so I can't contribute any more huge stories today. I'm limiting myself to some commentary so I can get back to work. Must...use...self...control! Image BTW, I hit my smily limit, so just *imagine* a smily at the places indicated!(smily)

Note: Void's power increases dramatically within The Rift (which is where he's been for most of this story so far).

@Rail: NO, you can't leave! Image Have a good time. I don't want to pry...but how long will you be gone? I'd like to know how long-term I have to plan for your character.
Cool backround. I'll continue your wonderful relationship with Void when you leave Image...when I get the time Image

@Gruntboy: The mighty Ubik scrubbing off grafitti? Image

@Melosh-tar: I'm assuming that Magus has already been notified by the Aerial Servant and is waiting at the CC. Try not to leave such gaps in the story. Unless you can go on your quest without Magus (you can take Aerie if you want), try to wrap this up quickly. I'm not being mean. It's just that Magus needs to get back to The Rift to plot with the others against Ubik (and advance the story).

@Aegis: You're doing great. You capture Void's personality fairly well. Just keep his dark humor in mind. There's more to him than that, but that's my secret, for now.

@Fallout: A barbarian horde in Athlatka...I don't think they'd receive a warm reception Image But that's a good idea if a titanic battle happens down the line.

@Waverly: Cool use of the thief. And you were nice enough to let her live so she can report back...

@Weasel/KidD01: Sounds great to me. Void will have some splendid fun with him (smily) Have them come to town and do something, and I'll incorporate them into the story ASAP.

@Seabass: I don't know...that's a real plot alterer.
Putting myself at the risk of a major flaming: This sounds like it could be heading to a 3-sided conflict (your side, Ubik's, good one), and some may object to that. Even if that's not your intention, it puts a powerful organization behind you bad guys. (BTW: I don't intend that the Shadow Thieves participate in the actual conflict. They just gather information for us, since Magus lacks in the Divining area) We could easily counter, but the resulting war (as opposed to party vs. party) may upset many people here. IS EVERYONE OK WITH THIS TURN OF EVENTS? Anyone feel that, even if this new addition is ok, that we should limit where it goes? I'm not criticizing you Seabass, but I think this is what upset people last time. If nobody complains, then go ahead with what you're doing, and don't mind me.

@Good Party: Here's a guide if you get stuck and don't know what to do (in case I'm gone again tomorrow): (not in order of importance)
1. Develop your characters (flashbacks)
2. Wander The Rift and explore some areas. Feel free to venture into new areas, as the insides are always expanding. Note that Magus has a pechant for art and beauty (for an as yet unrevealed reason), so he would be unlikely to keep dusty and cluttered rooms. Though a place to test one's skills wouldn't be out of the ordinary... Also feel free to interact with Void (or Magus and Aerie when they get back). Keep the personalities I've laid down for them in mind.
3. Start making plans to stop Ubik. This will be much easier when Magus gets back from helping Melosh-tar.

P.S. The length of this suggests that I should have just went ahead and continued my part of the story...(smily) But actually, I only spent 2 hours on this, which could easily have been 6 had I written more for the story.

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-30-2001).]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Aegis »

So KidD is going to be a child of Bhall? Heh, I wonder how many others will take up the cruel fate.

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Post by Waverly »

Uh oh. I seem to be unable to post.

There, back again.
@Magus. Thanks. Wasn't feeling very evil today- won't happen again Image. Re: 3rd party, wasn't there some neutrals waiting to jump in? Ulimately I am fine either way.

[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 01-30-2001).]
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Post by Magus »

Before I go...
@Waverly: I was looking back at the initial posts about the thief following you...and I distinctly saw the word "he" repeated numerous times. Image I guess your thief's a hemaphrodite. Image Since it's only two messages, I'll take the liberty of editing mine to fit yours. Don't want to confuse any newbies out there...or those of the "moronic drunken" alignment Image Image Image

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-30-2001).]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Waverly »

@Mr. Picky: Image
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Post by Magus »

Gotta sustain our *healthy* rivalry. Image
Now I really got to go...

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-30-2001).]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Gruntboy »

@Magus - "Moronic drunken"? Is that an insult? Image

Whats the opposite of that, "Virginal naive"? Image

Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death,
I shall fear no evil... because I am the meanest m***** f***** in the valley.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his pants for his friends."

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Post by Ubik »

HEY there! Magus and Gruntboy, Moronic Drunken(TM) is copyrighted by me (2001 Ubik, all rights reserved).

Ubik aka Socrates: To lakonizein esti filosofein
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Post by Gruntboy »

Heh. 2001 is copyright of Arthur C. Clarke so were all f'd up.

I was sorely dissapointed on Jan 1st when a large black monolith didn't appear on the moon. Anyone else?

And we don't have huge space stations either. Image
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his pants for his friends."

Enchantress is my Goddess.

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Post by Weasel »

Weasel is still in his cell and is now out of cookies.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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