Actually I don't think I did, I was only giving an example. It is very tempting to give the entire size now, but you'll have to make do with the fact that 80 is correct most of the times. (funny, it actually matter what cup you're trying on... if I take one larger the other size can go back to 75 or even 70(wonder how really)... But this doesn't mean anything to any of you... I only tells you that I'm not only not tall, but also have a slender back... big deal, you could have figured that out by yourself...)
Am I giving away too much, you tell me, I can always edit it...
You have a nice mental picture here Waverly... I recommend you to not tell me anything positive on top of this or I'm gonna stalk you...
Well boys, I have to go, a friend of mine should have come to pick me up about five minutes ago, so she can be here any minute. I'm going out... I'll probabaly be missing you (well maybe, okay probabaly not...
Bye, have fun without me...
(yes, actually I was busy dressing and making up during the last 15 minutes...