Weasel. I'm sorry my e-mail wasn't working a bit ago. I may ahve been too late... But lets just wait a bit and see what happens. This isn't your fault if any it's mine and his.
Waverly: The other evil buggers don't have my name...
Originally posted by Chrissy: Weasel. I'm sorry my e-mail wasn't working a bit ago. I may ahve been too late... But lets just wait a bit and see what happens. This isn't your fault if any it's mine and his.
Waverly: The other evil buggers don't have my name...
@Chrissy...I'm not mad at you this is not your fault..
some else needs to learn anger control...yes I get mad some times and that is the main reason if Buck would have asked me I would have turned him down .
If I'm in the wrong and get mad at someone I will admit.
this person I'm talking about I thought was my friend..
I going to stop here because I just getting madder and madder the more I think about it.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Sorry Weasel, the problem with my messages mantains, besides I was.....Sorry that was not for you weasel, I need some time now...that was not directed towards you Weasel, my apologies Weasel I know that you were (and still are I hope) trying to help....Sorry
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Kay people... This forum still hasn't got more than 1 page so this topic doesn't have to disappear yet...
Lets hope the air is a little clearer here tomorrow...
Weasel&Waverly: do you really think Buck would ban you for the stuff you've been doing?
I'm off to bed in a few minutes... I need some sleep after last night. See if I can get any of the erotic dreams Waverly was talking about.
Dunno. I always feel personally adressed when people are mad... Don't know why. Must be a leftover from the shy little selfblamer I used to be when I was 13.
@See Weasel, that was good use of choice A
I didn't single anyone out, so unless you feel I could have been talking to you specifically, don't worry about it.
Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time
Yawn... (go to bed Chrissy)
Has anybody got a suggestion about coming through another boring schoolday tomorrow?
If I go to sleep it's gonna be schooltime before I know it and don't feel like it... Come on, it may be a long time ago for you two old geezers but do you remember things you did to get through a boring day?
@Chrissy: I blew off school when I didn't feel like, but its not a course of action I can hartily recommend. In fact, go to school get some work done, and you will feel the better for it.
Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time
Waverly: Let me explain a bit of stupidity:
I go to school, make the homework within the first hour of class. (then have another hour of the same class to go to) Then I have a free hour. Then I have three hours of a course I REALLY should have made last year. And then two more hours of the most boring course in human existance.
yes I will probably work. But I'm taking a book with me just in case
Flash of unexpected clearness: hey, you said you were in your late late 20's... how about in... 2 weeks? New decenium? Like Weasel?