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Anatomy of a GameBanshee Forum Member: Describe Yourself

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Anatomy of a GameBanshee Forum Member: Describe Yourself

Post by Avariel »

Since I can't sleep tonight, I thought I would post my very own topic.

It's pretty self-explanatory, I just thought a topic where everyone could describe themselves might be interesting to try.
I guess I'll go first, seeing as its my topic and all....

Sex: Male, and not lately (ha ha)

Age: 18

State: Indiana

Appearance: 5'10, 150 lbs, brown hair, green eyes

Likes: Attractive young women between the ages of 16 and 19, Alternative, RPG'S, (especially AD & D, BG 2, and the Final Fantasy Series), anything to do with computers, Angel and Buffy, and my computer, for which I sold my soul to Best Buy

Dislikes: Stupid people, my former high school, (although those two kinda go together) rain, Sundays, and pretty much everything on tv, with the exception of Buffy and Angel.

Passionately Hates: Boy bands, Pop music, Sports, Stuck-Up people, Authority in general

Alignment: Chaotic Good (No, I'm not obsessed with AD & D, I just know I'm Chaotic Good)

Current Crisis: I just ran outta cigarettes, I'm quickly running out of money, I don't have a current girlfriend, and I can't find a job.

Feel free to contribute whenever you get bored.


B.A: As you're walking through the town, you're approached by an old blind man, holding out a tin cup.

Bob: I waste him with my crossbow!

Dave: I got dibs on the tin cup!

Sara: I don't think these guys really understand the concept of Lawful Good characters.

Brian: Hey, you gotta take your experience points where you can get 'em.
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.

"Damn pointy-eared tree-hugging elf, prancing through the forests and whatnot!"
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Post by Weasel »

Sex: Male (Married)

Age: 29

Country: US

State: Alabama

Appearance: 5'10, 160lbs, sandy blonde hair, cat eyes

Likes: Spamming, books, games, the more I can figure out about this computer, almost any comedy,

Dislikes: very few things

Alignment:Lawful Good (according to the test) Image

Current Crisis: I believe I'm addicted to this message board..but I'm getting help Image

"Boo says Weasel is the best"
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by tinytim »

sex Imageyes please)male(married)



State:New Jersey

Appearance:5'6,140lbs,brown hair blue eyes

Likes: my job(aircraft machanic)squaresoft games,interplay games,football(SF),dragons,swords

Dislike:not much really

current crisis:have to get ready to go back to work,im leaving for two week no bg2 Image
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Post by Ubik »

Har, har, har... ok, lets do it.

Sex: Plenty, but within the marriage territory. Yes, I am Male, yes I am married, yes I love my wife (her name is Christina)

Age: In a few months I shall be 33! Isn't that something? Oh my god... 33!!!

Occupation: Journalist, currently chief editor ass. in a newspaper.

Country: Greece, but I was born in Germany.

Appearance: 1.83 height (that must be around 5'11' or 5'12', right?) 100 kg (that is 200 pounds, if I am not mistaken) fairly worked out, Black hair, brown eyes (spotted, that means with littul spots'n'dots in them Image) and a smile to-die-for (as women say)

Allignment: Chaotic Anarchistic

Likes: Literature, cinema, poetry, computer games, netsurfing, chatting'n'posting, women (right now only my wife and Salma Hayek) fast cars.

Hates: My job, the Big Brother, idiots, stupitidity, TV, fashion victims, people without culture.

Current Crisis: Spamm-addic; How the heck am I going to boink Salma Hayek?

Ubik the Spam Artist

[This message has been edited by Ubik (edited 02-01-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Ubik (edited 02-01-2001).]
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Post by Waverly »

Sex: Male

Age: Indeterminant

Country: The Empire

State: n/a

Appearance: Black helmet with integrated breathing apparatus. Black cape. Day-glo photon-based weapon.

Likes: The Force, the Sith.

Dislikes: Jedi Knights.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Current Crisis: God-damn tie fighter is in the shop for the second time this week.

I think I gave a real description of myself elsewhere.
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Post by Gruntboy »

You dirty spam-merchants, take it outside. Waverly, go flirt with chrissy Image

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Description: 6'1", 12 stone, dark brown shaved hair (no.1 with scissors on the top), future victim of male pattern baldness, green eyes. No visible scars, but a big-ass hidden one on my stomach (everyone, lets compare scars!!) and one on the back of my head (that blow to cranium had NO effect on me whatsoever Image)
Location: London, UK (originally from Newcastle)
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Likes: computers/games, databases (yes, you heard me), history, books, DVD's, women, football, porno
Dislikes: arrogance, brussel sprouts.
Loves: the marines Image

Current crisis: I can afford to fly to New York but the internal flight to Montreal (my girls original home) is more expensive (?!). What am I to do? Image
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his pants for his friends."

Enchantress is my Goddess.

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Post by Alienbob »

Sex: Male

Age: Try and guess (shouldnt be 2 hard)

Location: Phoenix Arizona

Appearance: 5'9" 160lbs, brown hair, blue eyes

Likes: Alternative(right on, Avariel), anarchy, RTSs, RPGs, FPSs, this chick who i havnt seen in like 6 mos. (d'oh!)

Dislikes: Anti-Bobs, console gamers, rappers, school, sports, FORD trucks, coca-cola...

Alignment: CG, CN, or CE depending on what kind of mood im in.

Current Crisis: ive got a $100 Best Buy gift card and i cant decide what to spend it on. so many choices.

Be all you can be in the Bob Army.
Death to Anti-Bobs!
Console Gamers Suck!

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Post by leedogg »

sex: male (married)

age: 28

description: 6ft, 250, short brown hair, blue eyes, (kinda like a big teddy bear)

likes: playin with my son, fast cars (or trucks), games, my new computer (now i know why the weasel is addicted)

dislikes: people that dont have common sense, police (any athority figures for that fact), the government screwing the working man like me, oh yeah the fact that napster is about to start charging people to use their site, among others.

alignment: nuetral

current crisis: i have to go to work tomorrow and wont get to play with my computer til next week.

i'm new to this board so i thought this would be a good way to get in. see ya'll in a few days. Image
This has been a SPAM AND RUN by Leedogg
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Post by Maurice »

Sex: Male, and yes please! )

Age: 24, will be 25 in slightly over a month

Marital status: Single (no gf either)

Alignment: True Neutral, with a hang towards Lawful Good.

Country: Holland

Looks: 1,87 (about 6', right??), 64 kg (so yes, I AM slim in figure), dark short hair - but not too short - and blue eyes last time I checked.

Likes: honest and nice people, open-minded people, RTS and RPG computer games, being together with a few friends (perhaps playing a PnP RPG), good weather, peace, teamwork, enough money to make a decent living, and like all men, sex of course Image

Dislikes: Disrespectful and hateful people, and people who show no mercy or forgiveness. RL violence, bad weather, lack of sleep, bad health. Computer crashes. Lots of money.

Special notes: One big scar on my left foot, due to an accident in a swimming pool when I was 10 or so. I have diabetes. I wear contact lenses. I have a healthy imagination and fantasy (which was also the cause of the story I wrote earlier Image ), and I'm a hopeless romantic.

[This message has been edited by Maurice (edited 02-02-2001).]
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Post by vixen »

age: 21

status: possibly single. see current crisis for details

appearance: hair colour is obvious to most from other posts. green eyes. don't do this weight business as i'm imperial not metric and i don't know my times table. 110? something like that. height: not very tall. the mazzy of real people. i do clear 5 feet but not sure if i'm tall enough for air hostessing though.

interests: closet computer fan. getting drunk. bending over backwards. trying to remeber what they teach me on my course so when i qualify i don't kill people- i'm training to be a medic.

location: uk. originally from the north a la gruntboy.

current crisis: arse of a boyfriend decided to snog a 16yr old while i was away. she's ginger and ugly and he's stupid. henece probably single. must try and make life hell for him for a few more days. ha ha ha !
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Post by Waverly »

Alright, the real one:
Sex: Male
Age: Late, late 20's Image
Country: US
State: Native to CA, now in some godforsaken frozen wasteland Image
Appearance: Black wavy hair, hazel eyes (olive green & gold), 5'10", 165 lbs (31" waste 42" chest in answer to a prior quiz)
Likes: Tennis, swimming, running, biking, I used to play rugby- (sucks to age), Tolkienesk adventure including well done RPGs. Also real adventures- love new places, things, people, etc.
Dislikes: I do not suffer fools gladly.
Alignment: Neutral Evil (with bouts of chaotic good)
Current Crisis: I am the guy Murphy followed around before writing his laws.

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor,
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted -- nevermore!
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Post by ltldrgn1 »

Sex: Male and frequently

Age: who knows? Image but I am a rival for one of the oldest in the forum.

Location: Mich. USA

Appearance: 5'10", 185=~190 lbs., current victim of MPB, brown eyes.

Likes: Studying/learning, computers, CRPGs and PnP RPGs, working out, martial arts, reading (sci-fi, fantasy, horror), most music.

Dislikes: Country music, people who have an opinion that has absolutely no logical rationale to back it up.

Crises: Work, co-workers think that a computer is a lead figurine that is used to get women off. Of course, who am I to argue. Image

There are no prizes for stupidity.
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Post by Chrissy »

First to start: I'm kicking myself for doing this but since I've turned into a spammer when I wasn't paying attention I might aswell go all the way...

Sex: Female (and all you disbelievers can rot in hell Image)
Age: 19 (20 in april)
Country: Holland
Appearence: browns eyes, short hair (since december and I love it) in so many colours I almost forgot what was underneeth, currently it's dark red with a few black stripes, not tall... I think it's 5'3 (don't have a table here... 167 cm) and I have no idea how the weight system works but it's about 55 kilo's... (somehow I feel like I owe Waverly another size, but...)

Likes: Reading fanatasy, writing, chocolate, active vacations, the sun, the beach, nice shoulders, Irish accents, RPG (I guess) and lots more but it'd take hours to type.

Dislikes: Annoying people... Whining children... not much else I guess.

Current crisis: People have found out my one true weakness: The inability to turn down dares... aarg. Between school, work, studying and posting here I don't have much time to write anymore. I'm so damn pale I look like a corpse. A flat tyre a week, that's impossible but it still happens. I'm turning into a damned addict: I'm a tease, I'm a spammer, I'm horrible!
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Post by Aegis »

Okay, Picture a teaditional Computor nerd... Nah, seriously now...


Sex: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: 6 foot. 225 lbs. (Mostly Muscle) Semi-long chestnut brown hair, pale green eyes, constant stubble on the face, permainent tan (It's very sweet) Broad Shoulders (May seem like I'm adding that for Chrissy, but hey, they help me here as well :-) ) and single at the moment.

likes: Computors and everything to do with them. Highschool Football (Province Champions! I.S.S WooHoo!) Games like Battletech and Warhammer. Reading, writing, literature, arts, auburns... love auburns... etc... The list keep going.

Dis-likes: Annoying children, valley girls, being injured, and removed from a starting posistion for the GB finals.... Abnoxious people, and pretty much anything else that decides to p!ss me off...

Location: I'm up in the frozen wastelands of Canada, eh! Ontario to be exact.

By the way, for another breif bio, on my site, [url=""][/url] there is another, smaller bio about me, including a pic. Enjoy!

When is a Raven like a Writing desk?
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Post by Chrissy »

Good, do I get a cookie now? (better make it a large glass of vodka with a straw so I can poke somebody's eye out...) Image
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Post by Waverly »

Originally posted by Ubik:
I love you both, you are so sweet Image Image Image Image
Seriously LOL. You sick pr!ck. May you wake up between Omar and the m@sturbating monkey.
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Post by Aegis »

Okay... I've been gone for a bit, and missed this monkey... Did Ubik make up some sick monkey to please himself? If so, I don't think I want to know about it... Ugh!

When is a Raven like a Writing desk?
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Post by Chrissy »

Aegis: Then don't ask you damn tall 15-year old! (Maybe I'll just have to wait a while... since you have the shoulders and all. Kidding Image How's your story coming along?)
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Post by Ubik »

No you dork, the monkey is Wavelry who is actually Gruntboy flirting Chrissy, who is actually Weazel trying to understand his female side... you get the picture, don't you? Image Image Image

I would be #1 but I have a)to work a bit
b)a wife to take care of

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Post by Waverly »

Hmm. So I step away only to find I am 'involved' with Weasel now. As long as Slyweasel joins in, I will give it some thought Image

@Ubik: Bite me Image
Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time