Take a look at [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/baldursgateii/strategies/mindflayers"]http://www.gamebanshee.com/baldursgateii/strategies/mindflayers[/url]
The Killermachine, mighty member of the Council of Mages
Originally posted by kevral: Cant seem to kill those blasted illithids without turning into slayer form...
Any help??
Supply your cutters with Chaotic Commands and, when possible, Brine potions, give them some skeletons (best Skel. Warriors), Inv.Stalkers maybe, and keep others out of sight.
If you are in their dungeon, cloudkill and death fog in combination with door opening and closing are possible in most cases. Your priest should have farsight to aim, though, but there is little or none choice they haven't. Even better if you are so far you can use project image or Simulacrum to cast cloudkill and death fog themselves or by wand, you may use them as kamikazes in combination with Wizard Eye.
...for tomorrow never comes ...
Supply your best fighter with ring of free action (stops psi attacks and never runs out) and potions of genius and mind focusing. The mind focusing are better as they improve your AC aswell and last 12 hours. Add a helm of charm protection or sheild of harmony and a girldle of bluntness (I think flayers use 'blunt' attacks) and some nice drow armour and you should be well away
Keldorn is the ultimate Flayer-Slayer.
Thanks to his personal armor, he gets free action, which makes the flayers' hold person worthless. Also, because he is an inquisitor, he's immune to charm and confusion.
Die illithids die!
[This message has been edited by The_Pope (edited 03-25-2001).]