hey, I had to do SOMETHING to generate income after declining Waverly's offer
Here are the ground rules.
1. everyone is welcome!
2. the more you drink, the more you are welcome.
3. those who linger in the Tavern without drinking will be forcebly intoxicated. (hey, this is my place, and I have a rep to protect.)
4. All ladies who smile fetchingly at the owner...*ahem* me *ahem* will recieve favored treatment.
5. For the ladies, the price of entry drops in direct proportion to the amount of skin shown. (at the guys, any attempts to apply this rule to yourselves will be dealt with swiftly and in the manner decided upon to cause the most pain.
So, we have plaenty to drink, and my friend Ned is currently negotioting an agreement with every major alcohol distributor to keep the supplies coming in.
We have hot tubs, pool tables, private rooms, an alligator pit( feed it at your own risk, the proprieter will in no way be held responsible for any missing body parts) and every form of music known to man. *note, boy bands are not considered as music, and are therefor not applicable to above said statement.....in other words, you can't sue me cause we don't play N'Sync*
so, come in, enjoy the surroundings, and drink to your hearts content.