Originally posted by humanflyz:
<STRONG>Everyone is saying that Counter-Strike is the best team action shooter there is. Well I say **** that. I've played and all I encountered are jerks. They cuss, steal frags, cheat, ban people recklessly just because they have a weird name, and brag all the time. I just want some fun that would help me escape the real world, like UT.</STRONG>
You are correct. I kinda goes with the territory with the FPS types. I have been gamming for 10+ yrs and been in some major flame wars with these types in the pre-spam use-net days. The flames would always ended up with responses like "F-you I'll kick your arse" "lame arse geek" etc. They are rude and dishonest. Like back when the global 100 was around they used to stack their votes for Doom against Civ by posting things like "hey guys the ****en geek have overtaken us again please vote vote vote and then vote again for Doom II". Ip's were not logged so you could vote as many times as you wanted and they did.
Edit: This was not saying all FPS types are slime just a majority I have run into. Also I think John Caramack is the god of game code optimization; an absolute genious.
1)Civilization II (OMG I've spendt a big part of my youth on this)
2)Civilization (OMG I've spendt a big part of childhood on this )
3)Wing Commander I
4)Wing Commander IV
I recall one time I was allied with the Romans and the attacked me. I destryoed thier entire civilization, except for one city that I kept around forever, bombing it to near extinction, letting it build back up,bombing it, ah the glory.
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Originally posted by Bloodstalker:
<STRONG>civ 2,ah the memories....
I recall one time I was allied with the Romans and the attacked me. I destryoed thier entire civilization, except for one city that I kept around forever, bombing it to near extinction, letting it build back up,bombing it, ah the glory. </STRONG>
My all-time favs are
BG2 (with the expansion it's the best rpg i've ever played by far)
the NHL series (always fun games to play)
V-Tennis (sure it's a bad old style 3D tennis game for the playstation, but it still rocks)
also i have to throw in Hockey Pong, what a game... if you can download it somewhere go for it... i don't know how many university classes i missed playing Hockey Pong