Sweet little me has decided to do something mean...
Question: What has to be the meanest thing you have done in life... and actually ENJOYED?
There is a teacher that nobody likes... and well I took it upon myself to yank off her wig and make her jump for it... and I've tied bubble gum to a string and stuck it to her head and pulled it off. I've also lowered stuff behind doors that will knock her wig off when she walks into the room... she is like "hey give me that back!!!" I was like "No." She would be like "LET ME SEE THAT WIG!!!" I would hold it real high and be like "Gee, I can see it from here, can't you?"
And now she's in Uganda so
Man I had so much fun yanking that wig... though she only caught me that one time I held it high above her head and made her jump for it on the last day of school.
Another fun way to yank the wig was for when she taught Gym, to throw a kickball at the top of her head and watch the wig fall off and get dirty and her put it back on.
Scary part is she shaved her head on purpose to wear that darned wig!
She would never catch me... but she would sometimes put it on backwards, or a tag would be sticking out saying "made in Jamaica". That was so funny... and the funniest time was when this one boy... the teacher said "let me see your report" and he said "Trade for the wig." so she took it off and he grabbed it and ran..
So what is the MEANEST thing you have ever done, but enjoyed?