Hello All,
I was just wondering if anyone could list any other items besides the Amulet of Power, the Rune Hammer or the Mace of Disruption that prtoect from level drain. I need something for my fighter but I don't want him to weild either the hammer or the mace. He is a sword weilding kinda guy.
Also, does anyone know if there is an item that protects angainst fear other than that cloak you get in Hell?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by Koren:
<STRONG>Doesn`t matter, summon Mordekainen`s sword(or something like that), kill it, it drops a greenstone amulet (works on charges).</STRONG>
Not if you have the fix from Baldurdash...
"The measure of our hearts is taken by the kindness we show to the least of our brethren."
- Keldorn, Paladin of Torm
Bad idea on using the Mordokein sword amulet drop error since BioWare change it so it no longer drops it after ToB is installed.
Also if you have one of those before ToB, you cannot remove the amulet, not even by dying.
Originally posted by Idiyen:
<STRONG>the fear immune spells cure and prevent fear and they are insta cast</STRONG>
Does Resist Fear (the wizard version) prevent fear or just dispel it? Description says it only dispels, but it's rather hard to test.
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
Originally posted by Xyx:
<STRONG>Does Resist Fear (the wizard version) prevent fear or just dispel it? Description says it only dispels, but it's rather hard to test.</STRONG>
If you character(s) get a white heart with a blue circle around on their portrait, it prevents fear...
"The measure of our hearts is taken by the kindness we show to the least of our brethren."
- Keldorn, Paladin of Torm