Good morning ladies and gentlemen and thank you very much for your encouraging comments.
I will now present my treatment of choice for our patient Waverly:
1. Restoration of tactile sense in Waverly'ss genitalia.
This can only be done by using a procedure known as "sensitation". Electric shocks are used to train his genital nerves to respond properly again. Treatment is long and painful, but should in the end be worth it since it will result in less gender confusion and decrease in Waverly's need of self mutilation as sexual stimulation.
2. The sadomasochistic personality traits can be treated with psychotherapy combined with brain electrotherapy. Since this is a long-term solution, I recommend that we all continue to flame Waverly frequently in order to help him keep the balance between evil and good. If we are nice and kind to him, he will immediately sink into depression and deep feelings of guilt, a condition that eventually may lead to severe self-punishment. Therefore, we must all participate in mocking, insulting and degrading Waverly.
3. In the case of Waverly's multiple personalities, we have a choice between surgery and pharmacological treatment. We can either let Darkpoet roam freely with the laser, or use neurotoxins to simply kill of random neurons in Waverly's brain. Since the treatments are equally efficient, the choice is merely a question of entertainment. An important question is what personality, if any, we should keep. Or perhaps Waverly is more entertaining as the complete freak he is?
4. Finally, an observation regarding another area than the brain. Dr Grunt reported that Waverly's rectal area is pathologically enlarged. (Actually, my rectal shock instrument completely disappeared and was ever to be found again although three of my lab assistant searched Waverly's bowels for over 2 hours.)
I recommend Waverly to perform daily exercise of his anal sphincter muscles, thereby solving his socially embarrassing problems with spontaneous fecal incontinence. Please note that I am not specialised in this area, so further suggestions might be added by dr Grunt.
Feel free to comment or add to my recommendations
And now, on to next exciting case: young Craig.